The Chic Fil A Controversy

Mokoa's Avatar
  • Mokoa
  • 08-06-2012, 11:27 PM
I love their Waffle Fries!

I don't care what their beliefs are, shut up and make my chicken sandwich! The only thing that bothered me was the millions of sheep that ran out to buy chick fil a on the 1st as if that confirmed their Christian beliefs some how. It disappointing to see how our society some how uses empty gestures to proclaim their righteousness about a subject. In the end if you want to show your a good "Christian" go out and volunteer to help the poor, the homeless, those who really need the help and not trying and take more of the programs away from those who need it the most. Do it like the man who walked this earth did, selflessly and without condition, that you so easily proclaim his name as if it were a corporate catch phrase. Buying a chicken sandwich and some fries didn't show me anything other than you're a sheep mindlessly following the proclamation of a guy on the radio. Next time take the $10 you spent there and send it to the Salvation Army, United Way, Goodwill, your local food bank or how about an early start program. Now you've done something Jesus would have done. Originally Posted by Milerider

I'm not a Christian, but I have to admit that The Bible paints Jesus as a pretty awesome guy. It would be awesome if more Christians followed that message.
The Spicy Chicken there is pretty awesome.

I love their Waffle Fries!

Originally Posted by Mokoa
Jten13's Avatar
I'm all for first amendment but e problem I have is you can't pick one line out of a bible to follow. Hungry, shelter less children are covered in the bible alot more than gay marriage why not spend money giving to organizations to feed the hungry rather than "curing the gays." it also says in the bible if your not a virgin when you go to the altar you should be stoned to death do they believe in that part of traditional marriage as well? How about having to marry your brothers widow and names the firstborn after your older brother? None of this is done modern day but they pick one line out of the bible and live by it. I think the bible should be interpreted in full not just picking quotes from random spots. He's obv got some gay issue going on to be that wound up in one part it covers in the bible about traditional marriage. Mhmmm chicken is good though I will probably start eating more Popeyes now I have one close
guy fawkes's Avatar
Well I will still drop by a Chick Fil A once in a while for something different. As long as:

No Jesus or biblical quotes in my food "ala fortune cookie"
And the guy( from true blood not serving my food. I have nothing against gay or lesbian or the rest of the alphabet. Just no need to bring and wear it to your job.
Jten13's Avatar
True that some ppl like want you to freak out their gay idk if they aren't flamboyant and keep to themselfs I wouldn't mind them working serving me food. There's a gay black Mel at my local what burger he takes the orders and is so gay in his voice I wouldn't want him working for me though
phillyintexas's Avatar
The beauty of Freedom:

Business man is Free to say whatever pops into his head;
I am Free to disagree and maybe even take offense;
I am Free to gather up people that agree with me;
We are Free to decide business man is an asshole and lets not patronize his business;
Business man is Free to bear the consequences of his actions/words;
And everyone is Free to decide the fairness of what just happened;

Who said, "You can't have your cake and eat it too?" - seems too apt here. Originally Posted by JohnnyYanks
+1. Well said.
Chick-fil-A rocks!!! mmmm now im hungry
Typhon100's Avatar
I feel so left out! I only have one Chick Fil A, to protest at in Corpus! This sucks!

What if Burger King management said the same thing? Protest? Throw Burger King wrappers down the sewer? What if HEB said they same thing? You are going to stop eating?

IMHO; much ado over nothing. A tempest in a teacup!

I came from California to Texas. What goes on in California everyday and is considered normal would freak most Texans out. In California; these are your neighbors, your own workplace co-workers, and people you people you meet everyday. Oftentimes; you won't even know whom they are. This is everyday life in California. A gay couple is almost everyday, and no one really cares in the least. Put the same couple on the San Antonio river walk; and they are the gossip of the town, and pointed out immediately as freaks! Or are patronized to a sickening degree. With my gay friends, I simply treated the same as I would with anyone else. We both had loves, likes, dislikes, differing political outlooks, differing views of Life in general. In short, they were people, and in the end on some issues we agreed to disagree. They are my friends only, and I don't even think about their sexual orientation.

So why are people in San Antonio getting so worked about? Because one idiot corporation has their own stance? Isn't your own yard filled with enough hazards and snakes. Now you also want to worry about your neighbor's yard too?

This is everyday in life in California. Hell! I was even drug into a briefing room by a man, that announced that his name as of Monday was from Jeff into Jessica, and he was a transvestite. No one in the room even batted an eye, and she was treated as a woman. He was treated as an equal as a welder and fabricator, but treated as a lady.

This is everyday life in California. No one really cared and treated it as everyday life. So whom really gives a crap about Chik fillet and what they state? Does this fast food joint run the world? Life goes on, and on, and on.....

I still have several gay friends from California, which consider themselves as normal, and don't want to be treated as something special. Just treat as a couple, which love each other dearly, and wanted to be treated with the same respect that every human desires to be treated. I specifically asked about what they thought about this controversy, and they really didn't give a damn, and believe that a lot of protesting people have their own agenda, and simply wanted their 15 minutes of life on the stage. They just wanted to be considered as normal people, whom love each other, and want the same rights, and I fully agree with them. They alluded that they were actually embarrassed at the attention being brought to their and many other couple sexual orientation(s), and lifestyle choices.

Chick Fil A? I don't even eat there, and could care less. Now if it was Stripes or WhatABurger? Then I might get upset!

Like I said: a very small storm in a teacup! This issue soon too, will pass!
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
California to Corpus,talk about culture shock!!! You have to remember the bible thumpers carry a lot of weight here in Texas. Just look at the size of the churches and all the land around them, they control when you can buy a drink,what time liquor stores have to close, etc.,etc.. You either conform or subject yourself to their rath. BTW I think everyone got the idea,you're from California,no need to start every point with"this is everyday life in California".
Yeah, but are you denying equal rights to someone who wants to marry their dog or their sister or their brother or the Dentyne sisters or themselves. Where's the end?
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Dentyne sister,now there's a thought. I believe JohnnyYanks said it best.