joe bloe's Avatar
In other words, you wish it to be so. Originally Posted by Doove
The polls are mixed. You can't just quote an outlier poll as if that's the final word. Besides, the Fox poll is a registered voter poll, not a likely voter poll. Likely voter polls are more reliable. Rasmussen is a likely voter poll, and he shows Romney ahead.
Believe your Democratic polling at your own peril...I can't convince you otherwise...Team Obama knows the real score why do you think they are going hard negative this early.
Fast Gunn's Avatar
The Democrats are going hard negative because it was really the Republicans who wrote the book on winning ugly.

Senator John Kerry would have made a much better President than Bush, but he was blindsided by the swift-boat attacks.

Do you think the Democrats were not paying attention and learning the lesson of just low and how dirty the Republicans are liable to attack in this election?

The economic hole that Bush and his cronies dug this country into was truly horrendous and they did it by truly underhanded methods of intimidation of the voters with the threat of another terrorist attack on one side and hammering Kerry with swift-boat attacks on the other.

The Democrats understand how important this election is for the welfare of the country and they are not going to play nicey-nicey this time, but unload their cannons from the first scrimmage line.

Advance at all costs!

. . . The lesson learned was you have to win the damn election before you can implement your policies!

Well, this evenings Fox poll shows 49-40 for Obama.
I guess the idiots, malcontents, people that are too stupid to read a ballot, welfare kings and queens, those that will not work, and those that want something for nothing far outnumber the rest of us.

The Pander in Chief is getting his message out. Vote for me, and I will take from those that work and give to you.
cptjohnstone's Avatar
Well, this evenings Fox poll shows 49-40 for Obama.
I guess the idiots, malcontents, people that are too stupid to read a ballot, welfare kings and queens, those that will not work, and those that want something for nothing far outnumber the rest of us.

The Pander in Chief is getting his message out. Vote for me, and I will take from those that work and give to you. Originally Posted by Jackie S
you need to read Joe's post #31 on the differences in the polls
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Did anyone get the gist of FastGoon's post? He thinks it's ok for the Democrats to lie, and to personally destroy their opponents with innuendo and falsehoods, because the Democrats are so much better for us, we'd be too stupid to understand if they told the truth and played fair.

The Democrats are the only ones who can save us, so if they have to lie, and destroy people on their way to victory, it's ok.

Does that remind you of anyone? Don't you think that attitude is pretty scary?
joe bloe's Avatar
The Democrats are going hard negative because it was really the Republicans who wrote the book on winning ugly.

Senator John Kerry would have made a much better President than Bush, but he was blindsided by the swift-boat attacks.

Do you think the Democrats were not paying attention and learning the lesson of just low and how dirty the Republicans are liable to attack in this election?

The economic hole that Bush and his cronies dug this country into was truly horrendous and they did it by truly underhanded methods of intimidation of the voters with the threat of another terrorist attack on one side and hammering Kerry with swift-boat attacks on the other.

The Democrats understand how important this election is for the welfare of the country and they are not going to play nicey-nicey this time, but unload their cannons from the first scrimmage line.

Advance at all costs!

. . . The lesson learned was you have to win the damn election before you can implement your policies!

Originally Posted by Fast Gunn
The Swift Boaters told the truth about John Kerry. John Kerry is a lying sack of shit.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Since FastGoon was so proud of his BrownShirt imitation that he posted it twice, I'll add what I think, again.

I don't support the corrupt liars surrounding Obama, or Romney. But when someone proudly says, "Yes, I'll lie, I'll destroy people. Because my cause is just," I get pissed off.

It reminds me of how far we have fallen as a country and as a society. There is no honor in public discourse anymore. People are seen only as tools to manipulate in the acquisition of power. It's sick, and it does not lead to security, prosperity or freedom. It leads only to tyranny. That's where we're headed, indeed, we are already there. Just wait for the facade to fall away, and see what is really there. We have a police state where rights are illusions and freedom is a charade.

This is not America. I can't even conceive of a genuine American spouting the shit FastGoon is so proud of. "Anything's ok, as long as we win, because we have your best interest at heart." What bullshit. That is the language of a Kim, Assad or Chavez. That is not the language of a Franklin, Jefferson or Adams.

If they truly had the best interests of the people at heart, there would be a vigorous, honest campaign, and the people would have the information they need to decide. The people, remember? Government only exists at the consent of the governed. Us. The people. That has fallen away long ago. We don't want a President. We want a nanny, who will feed us, change us, take us to the park, and tuck us in bed at night.

It's sick. It's tragic. It's over.

TexTushHog's Avatar
Since FastGoon was so proud of his BrownShirt imitation that he posted it twice, I'll add what I think, again.

I don't support the corrupt liars surrounding Obama, or Romney. But when someone proudly says, "Yes, I'll lie, I'll destroy people. Because my cause is just," I get pissed off.

It reminds me of how far we have fallen as a country and as a society. There is no honor in public discourse anymore. People are seen only as tools to manipulate in the acquisition of power. It's sick, and it does not lead to security, prosperity or freedom. It leads only to tyranny. That's where we're headed, indeed, we are already there. Just wait for the facade to fall away, and see what is really there. We have a police state where rights are illusions and freedom is a charade.
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
Don't blame the candidates or the consultants for that. Blame the voters!! The campaigns do what they do because it works. The job of a campaign is to in an election. Period. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I agree tht crap like the swift boat ads, Willie Horton, etc. are despicable. But as long as people fall for it, campaigns are going to use it.
Well, I have already predicted Obama's re-election. And you know my accuracy rating when it comes to predictions. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
It won't take a Seuth Sayer to predict this one. Even if Romney wins, his election might just slow down the inevitable. Not much more good than that.
Doove's Avatar
  • Doove
  • 08-10-2012, 05:17 AM
The polls are mixed. Originally Posted by joe bloe
CNN and Ipsos/Reuters both came out yesterday with Obama up 7. The polling composites have Obama up by 5.9.

You can't just quote an outlier poll as if that's the final word.
Then you should stop quoting Rasmussen as if it's the final word, wouldn't ya say?

Believe your Democratic polling at your own peril. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
FOX is Democratic now?
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 08-10-2012, 06:14 AM
Don't blame the candidates or the consultants for that. Blame the voters!! The campaigns do what they do because it works. The job of a campaign is to in an election. Period. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I agree tht crap like the swift boat ads, Willie Horton, etc. are despicable. But as long as people fall for it, campaigns are going to use it. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
That is exactly right.

Both sides do it and they do it because it works. Voters are ignorant by and by , especially GOP voters!

You chastised FastGunn , yet are silent when joe blow posts a picture of John Kerry with the word traitor stamped across him.
Show me Romney's path to 270. It's a hard slog.

He's behind in Pennsylvania, Virginia, Michigan, Florida, North Carolina, Iowa, etc. It's hard to predict this early, but Nate Siver, who I respect more than any other analyst, has Obama at around a 70% chance of winning the electoral college. Originally Posted by TexTushHog
Ding ding ding. He never gets there absent some catastrophic fuck-up by Obama. And Obama doesn't make too many political mistakes.

I see things getting worse for Romney, not better. The more the American people see of him, the less they are going to like him. And his handlers know it. But, he can't hide much longer.
joe bloe's Avatar
It won't take a Seuth Sayer to predict this one. Even if Romney wins, his election might just slow down the inevitable. Not much more good than that. Originally Posted by acp5762
I agree with you, that the best we can hope for, is that Romney may be able to "slow down the inevitable." We have abandoned the Constitution and have become a de facto Democracy, instead of a republic. All Democracies fail because the people always vote to loot the treasury. Europe is currently disintegrating because the people voted for unsustainable social welfare programs.

Paul Ryan says, that unless we cut spending substantially, we have approximately two more years before an economic collapse. I don't think anyone is even seriously proposing substantial spending cuts. The majority of the people still want to loot the treasury.
The intelliegent voters in the Texas Republican run off election (Dewhurst vs. Cruz) didn't fall for it; Dewhursts over-the-top negative ads did him in.......................

Same will be said of Obama's negative campgain..........difference being Dewhurst didn't have to go negative, Obama does !

Don't blame the candidates or the consultants for that. Blame the voters!! The campaigns do what they do because it works. The job of a campaign is to in an election. Period. That's all. Nothing more, nothing less. I agree tht crap like the swift boat ads, Willie Horton, etc. are despicable. But as long as people fall for it, campaigns are going to use it. Originally Posted by TexTushHog