The Real National Debt: 222 Trillion

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-20-2012, 06:11 PM
And how many decades does your plan take ? Originally Posted by Whirlaway

Guest123018-4's Avatar
When you get into the unfunded liabilities you are talking some serious coin.
Add to that the inability of the government to stop spending money we don't have and sooner or later it will collapse.
The only thing that saves us is we issue T-bills that earn interest yet do not keep pace with inflation. This way we can print more dollars to pay it off and it does not cost us nearly as much and we fuck the bond holders out of what they think they earned. In the end, you can cash in your bonds for cash at the value of what cash is some 20 years down the road and maybe buy a loaf of bread.
joe bloe's Avatar
When you get into the unfunded liabilities you are talking some serious coin.
Add to that the inability of the government to stop spending money we don't have and sooner or later it will collapse.
The only thing that saves us is we issue T-bills that earn interest yet do not keep pace with inflation. This way we can print more dollars to pay it off and it does not cost us nearly as much and we fuck the bond holders out of what they think they earned. In the end, you can cash in your bonds for cash at the value of what cash is some 20 years down the road and maybe buy a loaf of bread. Originally Posted by The2Dogs
You're going to need wheel barrow if you want a loaf of bread.
Still waiting for you to tell us how many decades your plan takes to balance the budget................

for the umpteenth time

let the tax cuts sunset
get the hell out of the mid east
eliminate all pork in legislation
close all corporate tax loopholes

and go from there ...

write that down and tape it to your forehead whirlie Originally Posted by CJ7
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
CBJ7's plan is to ridicule anyone else's plan and then pretend he's smarter than them.
We will see; he likes to put Ryan's plan down because it takes 30 years to, still waiting for CJ to tell us how many decades his plan will get a balanced budget.
Dawgs's Avatar
  • Dawgs
  • 08-21-2012, 11:19 AM
Any real plan will be shot down by the dems, because this would prevent them from buying votes in the future.
joe bloe's Avatar
Any real plan will be shot down by the dems, because this would prevent them from buying votes in the future. Originally Posted by Dawgs
A country in which 51% of the people depend on the government for survival is a country that is permanently Democrat. That's exactly what the Dimos want, and they're close to getting it.

Fifty one percent of the people feeding off of the other forty nine percent is the Dimo plan. Soon it will be 60% feeding off of 40%, then 70% off of 30%, etc, until there's no incentive to work, and no one will.
The democrats have no plan to get us out of this mess...Timmy (I don't pay my taxes) Geithner admitted it before this incredible admission when questioned by Ryan.
joe bloe's Avatar
The democrats have no plan to get us out of this mess...Timmy (I don't pay my taxes) Geithner admitted it before this incredible admission when questioned by Ryan. Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Rather than admit that he is taking us on a path to disaster, Geitner says, "we've got more work to do," implying that they intend to do something in the future that will avert disaster. He won't tell us what they're going to do. Just what is this "work" he intends to do?

The Dimos are going to double talk and demagogue right up till the end. I think I may start calling them the Demagogueocrats.
In a 2nd Obama term; all that needs to be done is for Obama to "run out the clock" budget, continuing resolutions on spending, executive orders, more regulations, more administrative czars, and he can destroy us thru inaction. Especially if the Senate remains Democratic....Obama can destroy us by doing nothing......
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-21-2012, 02:06 PM
In a 2nd Obama term; all that needs to be done is for Obama to "run out the clock" budget, continuing resolutions on spending, executive orders, more regulations, more administrative czars, and he can destroy us thru inaction. Especially if the Senate remains Democratic....Obama can destroy us by doing nothing...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway

and romney can save us by saying nothing

N-O-T-H-I-N-G !
joe bloe's Avatar
In a 2nd Obama term; all that needs to be done is for Obama to "run out the clock" budget, continuing resolutions on spending, executive orders, more regulations, more administrative czars, and he can destroy us thru inaction. Especially if the Senate remains Democratic....Obama can destroy us by doing nothing...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see..... That's game over. As soon as our creditors become convinced we have no intention of dealing with the deficit, our collapse will happen quickly. We're approaching the tipping point. Paul Ryan says, that at the current rate, we will be just like Greece in two more years; except, I think our riots are going to be a lot more serious.
CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 08-21-2012, 02:23 PM
Trillion dollar deficits as far as the eye can see..... That's game over. As soon as our creditors become convinced we have no intention of dealing with the deficit, our collapse will happen quickly. We're approaching the tipping point. Paul Ryan says, that at the current rate, we will be just like Greece in two more years; except, I think our riots are going to be a lot more serious. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Paul Ryan forgets to say his path to prosperity wont balance the budget until 2040 -2050

apparently Mr Ryan isnt as concerned with the tiping point as you are Joe
No worries guys, Romney will save us. He's the second coming of Jesus, according to his supporters. LOL! What a fucking joke American politics has become. Better get used to the simpler life guys, it's coming.

Cheers, enjoy your big meals today because it's famine tomorrow.