You see, that's what the Republicans always expect. They give the Liberty Movement a little lip service, but when push comes to shove, they push us aside, and expect us to vote for them because "the fate of the country is at stake." Then they do the same old RINO crap that got us in this mess. At some point, the Liberty Movement needs to tell them "Fuck you, treat us with respect, or go find some other votes elsewhere." I'm tired of the way Ron Paul has been treated, and then told "Well, now you must vote for us, or we will lose the country." Bullshit. The country is gone. Romney won't get it back. There is very little difference between Romney and Obama, which is how the Establishment likes it.You'll never get 51% to vote to return to a Constitutional government. The genie is out the bottle and he's not going back in. Then again, I might be wrong, it has happened before.
Now they will keep Gary Johnson out of the debates. I'll be if he was in the debates, he'd get 30% or better, and the numbers would increase until someday, we'd be "electable". Unless Romney or Obama destroy the country first. Which is likely. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy