There are alot of Great AA Providers and Hobbiest

deltadog's Avatar
Erotic Morgan makes me want to move to the west coast To be honest the topic is healthy for this board. I know its talked about over and over again but that's something that AA's live with daily and no matter how much money and comments you might throw at the issue its not going to go away. Especially if your heart is hardened. During the ASPD days I drove an hour and a half to see a provider just for her to answer the door and saw eww I didn't know you were AA and slam the door in my face. From that day on I ask all provider if they see AA's up front. We have to make the best of the system that are set in place because not matter what we think eventually this board will go away and until another one pops up we will have to rely on each other for references and income for some.
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
What i don't understand is how you can have a black pimp and not see black men? Originally Posted by Mya Michelle
You don't understand because you (and so many others) are stuck insisting and accusing everybody of being racists. Yea, it does kind of shoot your theory all to shit, huh.

Because his pimp won't let her see black men. That's the pimps rules, not the girls.

Why do you think just as many AA providers have the same policy? Are they racist against there own kind? Kind of a self hate thingy going on there.

Pimp A don't want pimp B taking his property and putting her to work for him. So he don't take the a chance by letting his girls see AA men.

You would have to be willing to see the truth and realize the world doesn't really hate black people, if you really wanted to understand. But you don't have to. You can keep pointing fingers and stay confused. That's ok too.
Wait! Stop the bus! Lol! So, are you saying that racism doesn't exist anymore? Are you implying, insinuating or drinking right now? It UNFORTUNATELY happens here all the time. There have been a plethora of documentals recording racism in everyday life! Don't get on this board and act like this subject is theoretical. We're not asking for YOU or your circle of friends to change. We are resigned to the fact that this is how it's been and how it will be! From the White House to this board. The AA will "man-up!"
threepeckeredbillygoat's Avatar
Never said it doesn't exist. Of course it does, on both sides of the fence.

Just read the post man, did I say it doesn't exist?
34E Whitney Weston's Avatar
I never exclude any race and find it shocking that people would openly exclude any race.
I wanna race with Whitney. And Morgan. Just sayin'. Am I PC or what?
CoHorn's Avatar
I know its talked about over and over again but that's something that AA's live with daily and no matter how much money and comments you might throw at the issue its not going to go away. Originally Posted by deltadog
I think this sentence says it best. This subject is talked about repeatedly (three threads on first page of coed forum alone as of right now). I think the part that frustrates me is each thread preaches the evils of providers not seeing AA men or clients not wanting to see providers that do. It isn't going to change... People have their beliefs whether politically correct or not. A thread on an internet board complaining about it won't fix anything.

I would love for everything to be equal. We've come along way as a country and maybe someday it will be that way, but it isn't today. I truly feel bad for the well read, educated, employed, black men because you have accomplished what a lot of your peers haven't. We have uneducated, worthless white people as well that are just as prone to violence, drugs, etc...

Stereotypes don't apply to everyone, but stereotypes are there for a reason. Not all black men are pimps, they aren't all hung like horses (they'll disagree ), and if they drive a nice car, they aren't always a drug dealer or an athlete. I admit, if I see a black guy dressed like a thug with his pants hanging low or he has more gold in his mouth than the U.S. treasury, I'm going to treat him differently than the well dressed, well spoken man. I don't apologize for this because it's a choice he made and falls into the thug stereotype.

I've been to Europe, S. America, and Africa where black men don't dress or act that way and they are considered more like peers to other parts of the population. I've rambled, but the bottom line is help change these stereotypes by showing these thug men that to get ahead in this world, education and appearance play a major roll.
TexasCowboy's Avatar
If someone in life will not be friends with the next person because of the color of their skin, ethnic background or they are different in their apperance this person is very very shallow.....This sure as hell does not happen in the Emerency Room of a hospitial where others are dependent on you and the same scenerio goes for the military when being deployed....

Myself I would see every one of the ladies on here that are of an ethnic background besides being with the ones that are white and may have their noses stuck up in the air and waiting for the SugarDaddy to save them...

I say this as a white man and very damm proud to say it....Some of my best friends come from all different eithnic cultures in life and I would be proud to be seen with each one of them and go out of my way to help them..

When my folks passed away there were many individual that came and paid their respects from all walks of life and different ethnic make-ups, I went up to each one with tears in my eyes and said thank you...

Being racist is pretty f*****g shallow.....

pyramider's Avatar
Does this mean no taint? Originally Posted by pyramider
Just in case someone needs to be reminded.
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
I never exclude any race and find it shocking that people would openly exclude any race. Originally Posted by 34E Whitney Weston
Not only that, I find it shocking that people would pay for sex when it is illegal - shocking!!!
Jewish Lawyer's Avatar
it is only stupid if you are not black. The topic gets a lot of attention because it is so prevalent on the board. I am in my late 20's and grew up on the West Coast. I did not even know what racism was until I got to Texas and I was totally oblivious to it until a few years ago. I thought the whole thing died in the 70's. Ignorance was bliss.

Now, I see it everywhere, but nowhere more than on this board. It is an issue. When I have conflicts with people, even people I thought where friends, the word "nigger" usually comes out. At first that was a fighting word, but now...I hate to say I am used to it. I expect it. It is 2012 and this is America. Most of us do not know what the hell we are. We say we know and we think we know, but really we have no clue about our heritage.

My little one is mixed and looks straight up white, maybe hispanic because of dark hair and eyes, but you would never guess that mommy is a dark skinned black woman. If she decides to marry a white man and her kids appear white and their kids do too, a hundred years from now, a racial slur might come out of one of their mouths and they will not know they are speaking ill of their own blood.

This has always been a country consisting of every race under the sun. We are all mixed with something so quit being racist because your skin is light. You may have more black relatives than I do. Originally Posted by EroticMorgan
I guess if you never experienced racism in California, you must not be from LA, where black and Hispanic gangs fight on a regular example:
pyramider's Avatar
Damn this stupid thread is still alive? Someone shoot it.