Doesn't it scare you when a provider retires....

Do I win a prize? Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Yep, I need your address to hand deliver it to you.
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Brooke - you ARE the prize! Originally Posted by CivilBarrister
LOL! I'm not the prize. I was hoping for a free session w/ RBJ.

Last time I saw him I had to bring him $100 in subway gift cards, a carton of cig's, a bottle of jack daniels and follow him to the gas station and fill up the tank on his 92 honda civic!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Yep, I need your address to hand deliver it to you. Originally Posted by Inhouston
Now thats the kind of prize I was hoping for!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
embrace of professionals to relieve evil jism buildup and calm my ass down. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
This sounds like something that should be covered by your medical insurance.
CivilBarrister's Avatar
LOL! I'm not the prize. I was hoping for a free session w/ RBJ.

Last time I saw him I had to bring him $100 in subway gift cards, a carton of cig's, a bottle of jack daniels and follow him to the gas station and fill up the tank on his 92 honda civic! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
When did the Rat get rid of his Pacer and upgrade to a car that new?
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
This sounds like something that should be covered by your medical insurance. Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
Hey, Brooke! Do you accept Medicare assignment? I think you might have to call some 800 number and set on hold waiting for one of their CMS geniuses to give you a pre-authorization code.
ratboy jam's Avatar
LOL! I'm not the prize. I was hoping for a free session w/ RBJ.

Last time I saw him I had to bring him $100 in subway gift cards, a carton of cig's, a bottle of jack daniels and follow him to the gas station and fill up the tank on his 92 honda civic! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

That was my "session" car...kinda like a "hobby phone"...As for the cigs..I don't smoke but I traded them in for two Icees at the convenience store. And BW...DO NOT tell possible providers that would schedule with me that it was Jack Daniels..Gentleman Jack or you pay the rbj of doing

PM me when you want to collect on my free session...I MIGHT be able to work you in....
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
2 Icees?!?!

I think I paid $50 bucks for that carton. You providers are sooooo un-greatful!
Brooke Wilde's Avatar
Hey, Brooke! Do you accept Medicare assignment? I think you might have to call some 800 number and set on hold waiting for one of their CMS geniuses to give you a pre-authorization code. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
My Medicare rate is $650 for 90 minutes but that includes a ride to my incall ... err... office, a sponge bath after the session, a lite hospital quality meal, 2 baby aspirin, a ride home and a complimentary sexually charged crossword puzzle to take home with you.

If life were only that sweet!

* There is also a $75 dollar processing/paperwork fee *
ratboy jam's Avatar
2 Icees?!?!

I think I paid $50 bucks for that carton. You providers are sooooo un-greatful! Originally Posted by Brooke Wild

I wished you would have just given me the $...since I am a low volume provider...

Getting gifts are just one way we show what dummies some of you hobbyists are...OOPS...MODS..please delete my last statement...gave out a secret...
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
My Medicare rate is $650 for 90 minutes but that includes a ride to my incall ... err... office, a sponge bath after the session, a lite hospital quality meal, 2 baby aspirin, a ride home and a complimentary sexually charged crossword puzzle to take home with you.

If life were only that sweet!

* There is also a $75 dollar processing/paperwork fee * Originally Posted by Brooke Wild
The maximum allowable medicare reimbursement for that procedure is $11.31. SEC-HHS Kathleen Sebelius asserts that a truly dedicated provider would eat the $638.69 difference, waive my co-pay and deductible, AND treat my bum bum just exactly the same as you would had I had shuffled into your incall and plopped down 6 bennies and a ulysses.

May I inform Madame Secretary that you are truly dedicated?

Which returns us to the original question: doesn't it scare you when providers retire? (whenever I see the term "provider" my initial thought is the term the government began to apply to doctors 45 years ago).....

But we still have Costa Rica, baby! Short visit down there to see all manner of provider.
hey hey let's stick to the original topic.
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
hey hey let's stick to the original topic. Originally Posted by Inhouston
You mean apprehension engendered by retiring providers?

That was exactly the subject of my post. If you don't like it you should have stipulated sexual services providers. Or whatever other provider you're interested in discussing.

Good luck in finding a skilled physician still practicing in USA when you need one. Odds are you will have to search overseas for any remaining countries with a free-market economy...unless the current law, scheduled to begin clawing hard right after the 2012 elections, is repealed.

Government control is the cause of the type of provider attrition that worries me. But if you prefer to focus on escort supply instead .... it looks like your wishes will come true: USA, a nation of escorts .... and third world medicine. Just like Cuba, baby. And Che's still dead.
You mean apprehension engendered by retiring providers?

That was exactly the subject of my post. If you don't like it you should have stipulated sexual services providers. Or whatever other provider you're interested in discussing.

Good luck in finding a skilled physician still practicing in USA when you need one. Odds are you will have to search overseas for any remaining countries with a free-market economy...unless the current law, scheduled to begin clawing hard right after the 2012 elections, is repealed.

Government control is the cause of the type of provider attrition that worries me. But if you prefer to focus on escort supply instead .... it looks like your wishes will come true: USA, a nation of escorts .... and third world medicine. Just like Cuba, baby. And Che's still dead. Originally Posted by Don T. Lukbak
I don't understand why people want

1. To be denied health care because of their pre-existing condition.
2. Government not to subsidize their insurance cost if they can't afford it.(I guess they prefer to go to emergency room and ac-cure an-unimaginable cost for the rest of their lives).
3. Their insurance to be selective as to what conditions it covers, as if the disease consults them before attacking them.(The term "sorry sir, your insurance doesn't cover this disease, sound familiar")

I don't know man you tell me.
Anyways by the original topic I meant my very first question....
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
I only get scared when they announce they are going to write a book called ... "the Worst Session Evah"...

Don't laugh... there are a lot of other guys on here that would be concerned too...