Why a Tattoo?

Guest091314's Avatar
I think they are beautiful when well planned and not just a last minute action to be pretend to be a badass. I get rejected from time to time because of my tattoos but they are tasteful and very special to me so who cares what someone else thinks.
pyramider's Avatar
This thread is about taint, right?
Duke of G's Avatar
I will sum up my point using an elegant, and simple bulleted list:

I think for some it an expression of or transferance of pain issue. I had a friend who had to live through numerous heartwrenching tradegies that would bring any man to his knees, but he rarely expressed his emotional pain outwardly. But he would always get a tattoo after a tradegy. The bigger the tradegy the bigger and more ornate the tattoo. He did it not as a memorial but as a way to release inner pain outwardly. I know I probably didn't explain that as well as I could have. But that's my theory. That and because they're pretty cool.