Setty has his hobby and the Mickster has his.
Good boy.

Ladies we know you love your pets. Especially your dogs. This is the third time I had a situation with a dog.So let me get this straight, lol a little Taco Bell mascot was humping your cloths and came in your underwear. Did ya put them back on after the session or did you leave cammando, lol.
First time a small mixed bread jumped up on the bed and stuck his cold wet nose in my ass.
The second time a white little poodle jumped up on the bed next to my face while I was administering MISH and started growling at me and showing me its teeth.
Friday while I was getting a BBBJ a little Chiwawa jumped up on the chair where I had my cloths and started humping my under wear.
Also I have had several occasions where I showed up for a session and was greeted by the likes of Pit Bull’s, Doberman’s, German Shepherd’s and Rottweiler’s. In most every case the session didn't happen.
Pets, Pimps, SO'S, Spectators, Kids are a NO NO unless previously discussed!
DAMN CHIWAWA CAME BEFORE I DID!Originally Posted by Still Looking
Sometimes, I wouldnt mind a dog or a cat to keep me company. I think of the guys and the pet dander and all and I just dont want to deal with it. I want someone to come visit me and enjoy his time with me and not worry about a pet jumping on the bed or bothering him. Ive been places with animals and I am more cautious cause I dont know if their dog would bite me... Sill Looking I may have had to just leave my underwear and go commando......... Originally Posted by Truly PassionLOL.... when I put them on I didn't realize there was an issue. It was driving home I knew something was rotten in Denmark. Otherwise I would have went'commando".
Ladies we know you love your pets. Especially your dogs. This is the third time I had a situation with a dog.
First time a small mixed bread jumped up on the bed and stuck his cold wet nose in my ass.
The second time a white little poodle jumped up on the bed next to my face while I was administering MISH and started growling at me and showing me its teeth.
Friday while I was getting a BBBJ a little Chiwawa jumped up on the chair where I had my cloths and started humping my under wear.
Also I have had several occasions where I showed up for a session and was greeted by the likes of Pit Bull’s, Doberman’s, German Shepherd’s and Rottweiler’s. In most every case the session didn't happen.
Pets, Pimps, SO'S, Spectators, Kids are a NO NO unless previously discussed!
DAMN CHIWAWA CAME BEFORE I DID!Originally Posted by Still Looking
The chihuahua owes you some money -- whatever you charge for an outcall quicky. You need to pimp out your underwear, and as a side business, you can be a dog breeder... Collect the "loved" item in a stay-fresh container, label it (breed, etc.).... MO MONEY! MO MONEY! MO MONEY! Originally Posted by emptywallet