thoughts on reviews...

ss4699's Avatar
It isn't right. And if I had known I would have said something. Reviews are for discussion of the woman in the first post, not a time to undermine just cause you want freebies or whatever. There is a difference between commenting on subpar service and turning a review into a threAD for someone else. Originally Posted by Lovely_Lilianna

I can agree with this. But It may not always be that the comments are made for the things you suggest. I think the review should center on the titled person. So sites do lot allow comments of that nature either.
malwoody's Avatar
. I think the review should center on the titled person. Originally Posted by ss4699

Hmmmm.....I see words comming out of either side..

Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 12-05-2012, 10:03 AM
I think the review should center on the titled person. Originally Posted by ss4699
Okay...can you show one at least one review..where the review doesn't talk about the titled person?

JackJohnson's Avatar
Reviews are reviews... and as long as they meet the general board guidelines, you can say whatever you want. Responses are generally the same.

It seems to me here that these "etiquette" or "protocol" concerns are more MARKETING concerns about someone's review/ad being tainted by another product reference. Personally, the more information the better and if someone has a comparison to another product, more information isn't a bad thing. The clients own the reviews, which is why prodivers can't post in the thread, these are OUR discussions and shouldn't be beholden to the marketing concerns of others.

Lastly, I'm far more concerned about the lack of honesty in reviews or the fact that some men feel intimidated out of NO reviews by fear of provider backlash, fueled by White Knight concerns and this thread sort of feels like the same sort of thing. Probably should have been in the Men's Lounge (lol... private)

Reviews are for client information exchange, if that ends up promoting a provider's business, so be it, if it doesn't then maybe the provider should be working on customer service. Yes, its not that black and white (few things are) but those anchors are starting points for the discussion. Clients come here to do research, and I don't find that less information (or less NO reviews or honest discussion) is a hamper to research.

You want to compare providers in a thread... feel free, I like the marketplace of information myself. It's our best protection against bad service.

Had caught 2 clients that lied about their price in the review and it was a huge thing on here and there was no way for me to defend my self cause all the gentleman was talking in private.
Modda's Avatar
  • Modda
  • 12-05-2012, 10:30 AM
Had caught 2 clients that lied about their price in the review and it was a huge thing on here and there was no way for me to defend my self cause all the gentleman was talking in private.
Lindsay Originally Posted by OLindsay
Can you shred some light on how you came to know about this? Majority if the people post the rate in the review, which is open and every one can see it. In some cases people post the rate in ROS, based on your comments it seems that you got this ROS information.

Can you explain? (you can send me a PM).
ss4699's Avatar
It seems to me here that these "etiquette" or "protocol" concerns are more MARKETING concerns about someone's review/ad being tainted by another product reference. Originally Posted by JackJohnson
That is one of the keys for this thread. When a review is submitted it become the property of the board. so there guidelines are the key, and the intent is the question.
Personally, the more information the better and if someone has a comparison to another product, more information isn't a bad thing. The clients own the reviews, which is why prodivers can't post in the thread, these are OUR discussions and shouldn't be beholden to the marketing concerns of others. Originally Posted by JackJohnson
So you are view it as hobbyist and the ladies have expressed an opinion more on the marketing side, agreed?

Lastly, I'm far more concerned about the lack of honesty in reviews or the fact that some men feel intimidated out of NO reviews by fear of provider backlash, fueled by White Knight concerns and this thread sort of feels like the same sort of thing. Probably should have been in the Men's Lounge (lol... private) Originally Posted by JackJohnson
That is a whole different but important topic or 2 or 3 that are worth of discussion.

Reviews are for client information exchange, if that ends up promoting a provider's business, so be it, if it doesn't then maybe the provider should be working on customer service. Yes, its not that black and white (few things are) but those anchors are starting points for the discussion. Clients come here to do research, and I don't find that less information (or less NO reviews or honest discussion) is a hamper to research. Originally Posted by JackJohnson
on the client side...

You want to compare providers in a thread... feel free, I like the marketplace of information myself. It's our best protection against bad service.
*shrug* Originally Posted by JackJohnson
Again client side

Does a provider have to allow reviews to be listed here to be verifed? And if that is the case and if they have to submit to the ads with in a review, what are the other options?
I would like to thank those who have shared honestly of a topic that was and is important. Clarification is important on both sides of the aisle. Made a quick review of the no review policy would be good too? Not familar with this and will have to look that up soon.
Can you shred some light on how you came to know about this? Majority if the people post the rate in the review, which is open and every one can see it. In some cases people post the rate in ROS, based on your comments it seems that you got this ROS information.

Can you explain? (you can send me a PM). Originally Posted by modda
No need for a PM on this it clearly says in my review how much they paid which was not true and when us providers look at our reviews and you see this _____________ obviously your talking about my prices. Sorry not sounding rude, but it is what it is, which is why us ladies should have the same privilege as the men so we can do the same.
KCSmutMonkey's Avatar
No need for a PM on this it clearly says in my review how much they paid which was not true and when us providers look at our reviews and you see this _____________ obviously your talking about my prices. Sorry not sounding rude, but it is what it is, which is why us ladies should have the same privilege as the men so we can do the same.
Lindsay Originally Posted by OLindsay
I think you are in the wrong thread.
I think you are in the wrong thread. Originally Posted by KCSmutMonkey
It may be the wrong place babe, but if we're talking about marketing ethics and reviews then I thought maybe it would be the right place considering the reviews have our prices in them and that has a lot to do with our advertising on here ijs.
Interesting thread. Hope all y'all lovely KC'ers are doin' well tonight..


Yes, the reviews are there to help guys make an educated decision on whether or not to see a provider... the provider being reviewed.

I think it's pretty ugly and rude to go and post on her reviews something negative about her body compared to XYZ provider or to say "XYZ provider was better at sucking my cock".

Our reviews are a way of advertising for us, otherwise we wouldn't ask you guys to review us in the first place or offer review discounts.

If you mark up our glowing reviews with your comments about XYZ provider, then yeah I'd be a little upset. It isn't very nice. If you wanna praise to the masses about XYZ provider instead of the provider being reviewed, go write a review on XYZ provider and leave your snarky comments off the review.

Your rude/mean comments can ruin a whole "yes" review - even if the provider has a great reputation and is popular among the masses.

It is our advertising - our reviews. Yes, the fella wrote it... but he did so to help us as well as let everyone know what kind of experience others can expect.

I think the snarky comments and the comments about other providers should be left off.. JMO.

Have a great night, y'all!
KCQuestor's Avatar
It is our advertising - our reviews. Originally Posted by Lil Oral Annie
The idea that our reviews of you are actually your advertising is a bit misguided. If they were your ads, you'd have a say in the content and no one would ever post a bad review. The fact that you give review discounts has no bearing on the status of reviews.

Reviews are not the property of the lady being reviewed, nor should she have a say in anything about them except incorrect information. Any more that a film studio should have any input into what Leonard Maltin writes in his reviews of their movies.

Sure, some reviews are almost ads, like when a guy writes a review of his ATF. Or when a provider offers a discount contingent on a good review. Those reviews are like the ones they put on movie posters that say "Rollicking good fun! --Movie Review Weekly". You have to take them with a grain of salt.

I do think that mentioning another provider in a review is in bad taste, only because a provider is a human being who has feelings. Those sorts of comments belong in a private tag so she doesn't have to see them. I also tend to think they are really only appropriate for a bad review. If the guy gave a "Yes", then a comparison really isn't needed. But if a guy says "No", you can bet I would chime in with "Hmm, if you like ABCs looks but not her service, maybe XYZ would be better for you. She has a similar look and known how to take care of a client." I do the same thing with Amazon reviews. Someone doesn't like the Epson 123 printer, I may very well recommend the HP 456.
We arent talking about negative reviews and recommendations. We are talking about positive reviews that you jump into and say "Oh so and so is better"

Rude and unnecessary.
Maybe I'm just butting in, in fact, eff it, I'm BUTTING in, but just bc it's NOT breaking Eccie Rules does not make it OK to do. I run dominatrix/fetish/fantasy/role play sessions and let me give ya'll an example of how it would be "the other way around"

**In powder room** EXAMPLE. <---don't get ur trousers in a flog.

"Hey ladies! Today was great! Client A was really awesome! Just had to let ya'll know as sometimes I can't ans my phone for reference checks when I'm at my civilian job. He gave me not one, but two big O's, he's handsome, sweet and had no issue with the donation up front. BUT, Client B TIPPED me an extra Benjamin. I mean, he only made me go O once but the 350 donation at the end made up for it. Also, he's not all that of a looker, but ladies, if you wanna have [some] fun and score an extra President, ding ding ding....when client B calls, if he calls, (which sooner or later they do, as variety is the spice of life) MAKE SURE you take him in, as TIME is WORTH MORE THAN MONEY, and in OUR case TIME IS MONEY, I'd say, even tho Client B didnt please me like Client A did, my wallet sure is happy! "

THAT''S just an example of how I'm sure some of the ladies feel reading OTHER names on THEIR reviews, So don't be all "surprised" when you set up an appt, and get a call back 20 mins later that says, "I'm sorry, we had a 2pm, I'm gonna have to cancel. I came down with a case of Client B" and BOOM, there goes that. YOU were just compared to some OTHER client and basically were not WORTH THE TIME in the providers eyes.

I do believe that if a provider is a SCAM or is using fake pics to market herself and you get "stuck" in a session with her, then YES, by all means, recommend that your fellow hobbiests' don't see THIS one provider and give her a NO.Then you can go ahead and mention "Danm I shoulda waited till Tits McGee came back into town" ect. If you had a GREAT time, and it was a YES recommendation then WHY bring in someone else's name into YOUR personal session with the provider you are writing the review about? jmo.

I have 87 reviews, and 86 YES recommendations, and 1 HELL YES! I thank my clients for keeping it loyal when it comes to MY reviews...and when they ask ME, "hey Maribel, you know what I like, anyone you recommend to spice it up?" Then I have NO problem bringing up the names of providers I know provide the same service as well.

Works both ways, just sayin'

Gooood day to all!

You kinda missed the point of the argument. It is the commenters bringing up other people, not the original writer.