So, How's That Arab Spring Working For You?

CuteOldGuy's Avatar
Obama has done so many stupid and dishonest things that you people can't keep up with them, even when the truth is staring you in the face. You sound like blithering idiots trying to defend EVERYTHING he does.

As long as the country is going down the shitter, at least it will be entertaining. It's going to be a fun four years!

CJ7's Avatar
  • CJ7
  • 12-04-2012, 04:14 PM
longer than that for you pal, because the libertarian who might become POTUS hasnt been born yet
Rogue_Gent's Avatar
I think once Assad goes an awful price will be paid by the Alawhite's, the Druze and the Christians in Syria. With as bad a bastard as Assad is, what is coming to replace him is worse. They need a dictator in the Middle-East, as politically incorrect as that sounds. The choice is not between a dictator and a liberal democracy; what the choice is, over there, is a secular dictator or a religious tyrant.
joe bloe's Avatar
I think once Assad goes an awful price will be paid by the Alawhite's, the Druze and the Christians in Syria. With as bad a bastard as Assad is, what is coming to replace him is worse. They need a dictator in the Middle-East, as politically incorrect as that sounds. The choice is not between a dictator and a liberal democracy; what the choice is, over there, is a secular dictator or a religious tyrant. Originally Posted by Rogue_Gent
Exactly right. Iran was better off living under the Shaw than under the ayatollahs. Majority rule in a Muslim country is nightmare.
markroxny's Avatar
My questions aren't stupid, you just can't answer them.

Your articles contain zero support for the assertions you've made. Obama made statements in support of the democratisation of the Arab world. This we know. Doesn't in any way support the statements made in your posts.

Just admit that you are a liar and that you make this shit up as you go along. It's OK, we'll forgive you. We all know the truth anyway, dumbass. You just make yourself look more silly by continuing to push an absurd position.

On to the next COG canard! Originally Posted by timpage