Yay!!!!! New Pics<3<3<3

I love the avatar pic!
PAPILLON10's Avatar
Very refreshing............
drgnfire7's Avatar
Wonderfull pics!!
MARTlAN's Avatar
Martian likes
Precious_b's Avatar
Haven't logged in for a couple of days and noticed you updated your profile.
Was contemplating dropping you an email to compliment the updated portfolio.

I find that most everyone has beat me to the punch.

You're always looking good Girl.
Thank you babeskeet LOL
Rossboss's Avatar
Spinnerific delight
Guest010619's Avatar
FootLong's Avatar
Congrats Summer for helping to propel SA into 3rd position on that Best Hobby places list.
Big One's Avatar
Very nice avatar too Summer!!
Sexxxxxxxxxxxi! Idk how to add pix to my actual posts wahhhh I wanna be tech savvy! And I want your photographer Summer! Meeeeeeeeeow!!!!!
Precious_b's Avatar
Congrats Summer for helping to propel SA into 3rd position on that Best Hobby places list. Originally Posted by FootLong
Why didn't I think of wording it like that?

FL, not only are you endowed (sp) in name, you also are a silver tongued orator.
Rossboss's Avatar
Summer, if you post pics like that, all the hobbyists will blow their load just from the photos! Well done!!