I was surprised this morning to see that my Review had been bumped back to the first page of Another Realm. Being that it was my Review, and knowing that it was one of the hottest sexual encounters I have had in my sexual life that encompasses a half century or more, let me try to explain: TS girls prefer terms like Girl, Woman, She, Her, Female.....etceteras, Because.....that is their identity within their mind and within their persona AND They feel Good about themselves when others use language within these same terms! In a so-called Real World that is laced with hate, bigotry, predjudice and violence toward others who you and I may perceive as 'different', when we enter into this Hobby World, we often do so to close the door on that Real World, albeit for perhaps only an hour or two! So, Arabs are NOT 'Camel Humpers', Hindus are NOT 'DotHeads' and TS Girls are NOT 'Dudes with a wig and a dick.' And this, my friend, Av8R, is, to quote you, "End of Story."
Originally Posted by Solemate62
thanks for supporting me my friends...though i don't really care about labels.
You want to call me "he"? Go ahead!
I'm not going to grow beard because of that.
I'm who I'm. If you don't like...there will be some who will.
And btw, those who like tgirls are NOT gay because we resemble genetic woman, at least to certain degree.
For those who are interested in seeing me:
I hope to see you soon my friends (i'm on holiday right now)
I will start my USA tour 2013 in Spring
Tia Phoenixx