
greenhorn1960's Avatar
Get well soon!
Hi everyone just letting u know i dont have my phone on me .. and I do have some numbers saved in their. no names just small things that help me know who it is when these repete friends call.

I saw my ex saturday and got into a really bad physical altercation. He dragged me out the car and i tried to reach in to get my things, the door closed and i fell on the floor and he ran me over. I have been in the hospital at SAMC for the past few days n was barely released today. He has my wallet and phone .. so he has my xmas money and my hobby phone. Im not worried about the xmas money bc hes the one that has to live with his lies n theft and ect. Right now im just concerned he may have called a few ppl off the phone.

Im so sorry... if u ladies and gents need to reach me i will check my email and ect.. im extreme amount of pain and bed bound.

No man should ever hit and hurt anyone and ladies if u ever have u should speak out. I was silent for a long time and now that i almost lost my life i refuse to be.

god bless everyone and happy holidays .. i know i will be in bed but hope u all enjoy yalls.

Lex/Sweet Anna dd's Originally Posted by Secret Encounters

I'm so sorry that happened to you. Recover quickly..
Really sad to see you hurt like this Lexi! I know this situation must be difficult for you! Right now, just take time to heal...reflect...and, make a choice to go forward. We all know relationships are difficult...but, violence like this is not acceptable!

There are several places you can call for guidance and couseling...they can help you understand the Cycle of Violence, and lead you through the necessary steps to go forward. This type of violence cannot be handled by need direction from a qualified this will only get worse if you choose to keep going back!

Please take care...don't make any rash decisions. Take time for yourself and heal your physical wounds. When your head is more clear...then, make decisions on what to do next.
I've read through this thread multiple times trying to find the words to respond but memories of similar stories start coming back to mind and I'm not in a sociable mood any longer. I spent considerable time volunteering in a women's shelter, and still do work with a children's shelter. I've heard too many stories like this. I don't understand how men can become the lowlifes that attack women, regardless of the perceived provocation. But more striking is the difficulty women have dealing with the situation. There are so many emotions masking the real damage from the event. Nikki is correct. This requires time, dedicated professionals, and a willingness to seek a new life. Many of the women succeeded, but some of them could never face the issues and slipped back into the same cycle. Once I was present when a dickhead showed up after threatening his "lady" one the phone to get her location. He showed up, made a big scene kicking on the secured doors and such until the police showed up. The video camera filming it all didn't seem to phase him. He has bigger problems now because he assaulted the officers when they arrived. They weren't very polite as they shoved him in the back of the car.

Please get well. Seek out friends, and seek out counselling with professionals in the area of violence. Put your life back together, and find a way to leave him out of your life. You deserve better, all women do.
Guest010619's Avatar
You can go to the battered women's shelter (battered women, now that's a phrase that should never be allowed to exist). They are at 7911 Broadway and meet on Thursday at 6 pm. They have counseling to help you get the strength you need to move forward.
Secret Encounters's Avatar

Thank u everyone for all ur kind words. I was not writing this for people to feel sorry for me and by no means am that way. My intention were to keep people informed that if u have been contacted by me that it prob was not me. I have my phone back bc my mom threatend him and told him he already is gonna have one charge and now a second bc he stole my phone. She knows a little of my personal life and i told her that there are numbers in their and dont want him to see or get in to any of the messages. Well he did txt a few ppl that i know of and only one friend of the hobby. I am so sorry that he contacted this person. My apologies. This person was also by my side during this whole ordeal so i know he sent him the msg bc i saw it as i was in bed at the hospital.

This is a very huge life lesson and its something i will forever be hurt by. I am strong and I am pulling through everything. However tomorrow when i go to file charges against him I will get all the info on counseling and help classes for women who have been through this.

I refuse to let this person back in my life and will no longer make excuses for him. He is still not remorseful and has even emailed me that i deserved it. Then following sentence saying he loves me still and just wants us both to move forward and forget about what happened. I am not replying but i refuse to let him "mind fuck" me anymore.

Thanks everyone for all the support but once again My main concern was that he had my phone and none of my friends were at risk of being called late in the wee hours and have ur SO be suspicious of someone calling so late. My apologies and stay safe everyone.

Hopefully this arm heals bc i cant masterbate anymore..lmao.. im jk ..
and JJ u see now u see why i gave ur cockadoodle a kiss and then french kissed him..lmao.. jk @ Nikki ya babe and thanks for always being there too.!!!

take care everyone and cant wait to play again.

love and hugs ..

Ps thanks everyone for the emails and responses u ladies and gents are truely kind!!!

Secret Encounters
Lex/Anna dd's

Marilynmilf's Avatar
I am so sorry love... I will be home on the 2nd if you need me. Stay strong !
M.I.L.F. JOY's Avatar
Mamacita im sending you a big huge hug of course after you heal!!! Karmas a bitch he will receive it right in his ass!! His biggest karma is losing you as his woman!!

You have alwayzzz been such a sweet lady to me...guess no lap dance for you...bummer

on your boo boos
Secret Encounters's Avatar
Thanks MM .. I am staying strong and tomorrow will be my toughest day thus far.
Oh have fun and take lots of pics!!!

Sensualcita. Thanks so much doll and please i need a lap dance after my boo boos go away they hurt.

see u all around soon ..
sailorman1980's Avatar
Damn sweetie, I'm sorry to see this. I hope you get better soon. I'm sending positive vibes and prayers your way!
Joe Buck's Avatar
Asshole needs a good beat down and then serve some time bein Bubba's bitch down at the county jail