Hobbyist/Provider Mentality. Whats yours?
I was just teasing the girl playfully!
. . . And you know it!
Your awefully grumpy and mean as usual lol
Originally Posted by kymberlane
Yeppers I know you mean old man. lol. Ill miss harassing you and stalking your threads
The most important thing is that you don't over do it... If you find yourself becoming jaded, and not looking forward to your bookings then it's time to take a step back... In early 2011 I was working soooo much, constantly on tour and never had any time for myself and my family, which made me a bit depressed, so I took some time off, re-evaluated everything and tried to find a good balance..
So now, I don't tour as frequently, and make sure I'm able to spend most of my time raising my children. My mentality since then has been loads better and my personal relationship is great. So it is definitely possible to have a nice functional relationship while still enjoying this hobby, you just have to find the balance that's right for you...
I know I'm gonna miss staring at your avatars Kymber. But I'm sure I fill the void.
Kymberlane, I have to say, I'm with you on that one, I had a situation yesterday where the hobby mentality took over, one of my ex girlfriends called me while I was blowing the snow outside of my driveway with the snowblower and asked me to bring her a pack of cigarettes now I don't smoke and she is clear across town, so I start thinking hmm, now what is in this for me? Why do I gotta drive across town? We are not an item anymore, but it wasn't a bad breakup, I try to avoid those like the plague, I just hate confrontation. So to make a long story short I ended up getting laid over this pack of cigarettes that I probably would have bought anyway just to get back to what I was doing. I too have quit dating as well, mainly because in the hobby you know what your getting what to expect, what's expected of you and no issues ( most of the time anyway;-) . No more of the where have you beens? Who was that you are talking to? Why are they texting so late? And the infamous when are you coming to beds! I have found that it is much more fun being friends with providers because they share your mentality, there are no jealousy issues or any of the problems that plague a traditional relationship.every so often I kick myself for not doing this sooner, in a nutshell I think it my signature says it all!
Yeh sexxy but it will get old. And you cant do it forever. Not sure how long you have been in it, but give it time. Many have messaged me with some very kind words and understanding. I appreciate it. I always said that when it ceases to be fun, or feel right, then I would stop. And that time is coming. Im weaning myself over the next week or 2, then done. Im telling ya, the money and the power is very addicting.
Okay, folks, let's put up a little wager here.
How long do you think it'll be before Kymberlane returns?
. . . Personally, I'm not sure she'll even leave, but she feels unloved and wants attention!
Yeppers I know you mean old man. lol. Ill miss harassing you and stalking your threads
Originally Posted by kymberlane
Ha you ass, hope you dont bet too much.
You will miss me and my tainted perspective.
lol taintman, maybe we could find you a good therapist, or better yet a study to figure out what the obsession is with that. Your so freaking hilarious, Ill miss you for sure