Get it off your chest, Ladies. Hobbyist horror stories.

Sweet N Little's Avatar
Did you get all the options on the bed like Handcuff cutouts, Sex Swing attachement, and Pull-Out Drawers for Toys? Originally Posted by shorty

shhhhh, its exercise equipment

shorty's Avatar

shhhhh, its exercise equipment

Originally Posted by Sweet N Little
Really thinks SNL is training for the upcoming SEX Olympics in Las Vegas, in which she should dominate the Marathon Sex Category.
Still Looking's Avatar
Mr. Chan, you are speaking to the choir. If some douche wanted to short the provider, I doubt he would take your advise. Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Speaking or Singing? LOL

Glad you changed your avatar, SL. It looks good on you, and the pink frills fit into the AR forum, LOL Originally Posted by Rockydoc
I new it would be a big hit here!
Still Looking's Avatar
Really thinks SNL is training for the upcoming SEX Olympics in Las Vegas, in which she should dominate the Marathon Sex Category. Originally Posted by shorty
SNL can't compete as she turned in her amateur status years ago and of course has been inducted into the hall of fame.
Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Mr. Chan, you are speaking to the choir. If some douche wanted to short the provider, I doubt he would take your advise.
Speaking or Singing? LOL

Originally Posted by Rockydoc
The original version of the idiom is "preaching to the choir" refers to the seating arrangement in most Prostentant churches in which the choir sits behind the preacher and the congregation in front. Thus if one were preaching to the choir he would be facing the wrong direction.
Of course, the advice would not be intended for he unscrupulous, but rather for the hobbyist concerned for the sensibilities and possible apprehension of a new acquaintance.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
do you have a twin sister in Upset NY. If you do, its got to be my ATF. I know we have broken more than one bed when she's on top riding me.

mmmm right age, and sizes mmmmmmm
Still Looking's Avatar
Originally Posted by Rockydoc
Mr. Chan, you are speaking to the choir. If some douche wanted to short the provider, I doubt he would take your advise.
Speaking or Singing? LOL

Originally Posted by Rockydoc
The original version of the idiom is "preaching to the choir" refers to the seating arrangement in most Prostentant churches in which the choir sits behind the preacher and the congregation in front. Thus if one were preaching to the choir he would be facing the wrong direction.
Of course, the advice would not be intended for he unscrupulous, but rather for the hobbyist concerned for the sensibilities and possible apprehension of a new acquaintance. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
MrChan do you have me on ignore? LOL
offshoredrilling's Avatar
MrChan do you have me on ignore? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
errrr just so he gets the question. errr unless I'm on it also

ahhhh can we have another quote to be sure.
thank you for your support
pyramider's Avatar
I am still waiting for a lady to mention "there was this time at band camp ..."
MrChan do you have me on ignore? LOL Originally Posted by Still Looking
Not at all SL, I glean constantly those pearls of wisdom that fall from your lips like pollen from a shaken lily. I merely attempted to explain to the less gifted who, unlike yourself may have missed tonight's MENSA meeting, that in the strictest interpretation of the idiom speaking would be more accurate than singing. Now where is that darn "ignore" thingy.
offshoredrilling's Avatar
in my signature line.
U812 Edit Ignore List I learn the most from who I do not always agree with. Feel free to add me if "you" want.
there be copy

I tell most to hit the "you" first. I will let you pass on that and go right for the Edit Ignore List

the tells where I got the gift
in my signature line.
U812 Edit Ignore List I learn the most from who I do not always agree with. Feel free to add me if "you" want.
there be copy

I tell most to hit the "you" first. I will let you pass on that and go right for the Edit Ignore List

the tells where I got the gift Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

offshoredrilling's Avatar
no just tryin to be helpful LOL

you did ask where one could find it.
no just tryin to be helpful LOL

you did ask where one could find it. Originally Posted by offshoredrilling
Quite so, Your Taintedness. it was meant as a humorous and rhetorical question. I would never really ignore the honorable and learned Dr.Rocky,nor yourself. My mother told me that one does well to associate with the intelligent. At best you might learn something, at the very least you might be mistaken for one of them.

"The poorly read do well to learn quotations."---Winston Churchill..
Still Looking's Avatar
Not at all SL, I glean constantly those pearls of wisdom that fall from your lips like pollen from a shaken lily. I merely attempted to explain to the less gifted who, unlike yourself may have missed tonight's MENSA meeting, that in the strictest interpretation of the idiom speaking would be more accurate than singing. Now where is that darn "ignore" thingy. Originally Posted by Mr.Chan
Well said Mr.Chan....