You need to get tested around 4 months after the fact. Sometimes HIV takes around 3 months after exposure to show up on a blood test.
So get tested now, then get tested again in May or so to be totally sure.
Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Let us not mislead the guy though, i will chime in just a little. Dont get tested now, there is no reason to. Try after two weeks, at the very minimum, since no test is able to detect things any earlier. Back in the day, the only tests available were accurate only at 3 months, but thanks to our scientist, at 10-12 days, there is a test for it. More than likely, the best one works after 21 days, so no need to test now.
Before i say more, there is very little to worry about over one incident. It obviously worries you but likely, it is nothing to lose sleep over. Most people panic and it is not worth losing a week or two over this incident. Condoms do break regardless of your best efforts. I once had a bad box that broke 3 times in one session and yes, i can tell almost immediately when it breaks(back in the day, i could never tell, call it lack of experience), needless to say, i never used that condom type again (magnum thins), i now use just use lifestyles.
Condoms break because of bad storage, like in your car or in a hot place; using one that is past its expiration date; accidentally ripping it with your teeth or fingernails while opening the wrapper; bad manufacturing, friction and using the same condom more than once. Reduce likelihood of breaks by, always buying one right before you go in (avoid storing them yourself), learning how to use them properly (let the ladies put it on for you, they know how), and ensure there is enough lubrication, and you will be a happy hobbyist.
By the way, why come to a hooker board for advice? there are these specialists called Doctors you know, they have all this specialized equipment and training to give you better advice.