WHO are the worst scammers: Hookers or Strippers

Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
ICU nurses are mean and have not sense of humor. At least that is my experience. Originally Posted by pyramider
I had a couple of hilarious male ICU nurses, one had been an Army medic and the other a Navy Corpsman, and - above all - they wanted it known they weren't swishes. Wagging copies of the latest Chicks and Ammo magazine around with 'em. Hurt like a mofo to laugh but it was impossible not to. I'm pretty sure they never worked at a titty bar...unless they was bouncers.

They were the most competent nurses I have ever seen, and I had to deal with a shitload of them at work in my former life.
jjflash's Avatar
OK, you stripper lovers. Me and you each have $200 to spend..and ONLY $200. Can't go over that limit. You take your two bills to a strip club. I peruse through eccie in search of someone who I can hang out with for an hour..... Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
And the Sweet Heather Literature Award goes to....RC
jjflash's Avatar
A stripper is into the art of getting as much as possible for as little as possible. It's a game, have fun. If it's not fun, do not play. So money spent at least equals fun gained (i.e. you are happy) or quit. Same for craps.
ThatManFromTexas's Avatar
ICU nurses are mean and have not sense of humor. At least that is my experience. Originally Posted by pyramider
Yea but after a "Near Death" experience ... and you are surprised to wake up...alive... EVERYTHING suddenly looks good...
blowpop's Avatar
ICU nurses are mean and have not sense of humor. At least that is my experience. Originally Posted by pyramider
And damn few of them offer extras. That's why I don't hang around the ICU.
Randall Creed's Avatar
A stripper is into the art of getting as much as possible for as little as possible. It's a game, have fun. If it's not fun, do not play. So money spent at least equals fun gained (i.e. you are happy) or quit. Same for craps. Originally Posted by jjflash
Getting laid is fun. Throwing away money hoping to get laid by sometimes pretending that you don't want to get laid is only fun when you actually get laid. Getting laid this way once out of every 50 times you try it CAN'T be fun. Kinda like gambling. 'Oooh, I had 'fun' blowing $____ at the casino, only to walk away with absolutely nothing! Yaaaay! Though it wasn't much, I did win something one time, though...although overall I'm still deep in the hole...because gambling rarely ever TRULY pays off. But I had fun, though. Yaaaay!'

Now if I invest 50 instances of hobbying with that same amount of money you took to the 'booty casino' = SC, and use a good source to find providers that I can read reviews on, see pictures of, know what their do's and dont's are...from the comfort of wherever I'm at, I'll most likely have a good time in the upper percentages of 90. Out of every 50 trips to a SC, you might get lucky what, 3-4 times? Half a dozen if you're a pro? Better? Let's say you're an ALL-PRO strip club booty hunter. A dozen times out of 50? Still unacceptable odds, IMO.

But...to each his own. Do your thing, and I'll do mine...away from SCs.

And the Sweet Heather Literature Award goes to....RC Originally Posted by jjflash
I'll be awarding his prize tonight. Story at 11!
Getting laid is fun. Throwing away money hoping to get laid by sometimes pretending that you don't want to get laid is only fun when you actually get laid. Getting laid this way once out of every 50 times you try it CAN'T be fun. Originally Posted by Rambro Creed
If you are getting laid once every 50 times you walk into a strip club formerly known as Michaels(*), you're gay. No ifs ands or buts. You are gay, period.

(* and a few other clubs in this fair city).
Don T. Lukbak's Avatar
But...to each his own. Do your thing, and I'll do mine..

Originally Posted by Rambro Creed


(I don't much like titty bars either, Creed...and avoid them every chance I get. When I can't get out of it and have to go to one, some stripper will, without fail, run up behind me, clap her grimy paws across my eyes and holler "Guess who!". Doesn't signify if I ever in my life met the chick or even laid eyes upon her before and I'll be spending most of the rest of my evening trying to get her greasy fingerprints off my specs.)