CNN Anchor Asks If Incoming Asteroid Caused By 'Global Warming'

Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 02-14-2013, 09:16 AM
Then again worshipping science gave euthanasia, forced sterilization, and eventually the Holocaust Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
That is exactly the kind of absurdly twisted illogic I expect on here. Science also gave us eyeglasses, airplanes, smallpox vacines, and the computer you're typing this on. Religeon gave us both millions of dead from arguing whose version of god is better, and people like Sr Theresa.

For someone who likes to argue that "guns don't kill, people do", you seem very willing to claim "science kills".
Oh boy. Talking about the teapot calling the kettle black. That is amusing.

WPF has to make things up, and then shoot them down. It's the only way he can feel smart. If he is expected to directly address an issue, he breaks down. Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
If she was serious, why didn't she pursue the line of questioning on the topic of whether global warming has something to do with it? In fact, it seems to me like exactly the sort of facetious comment that the global warming skeptics might make.

I dunno, it seems so incredibly stupid that it's hard to believe she was serious.

Uhhh, didn't sound like she was joking to me. Originally Posted by Chica Chaser
joe bloe's Avatar
That is exactly the kind of absurdly twisted illogic I expect on here. Science also gave us eyeglasses, airplanes, smallpox vacines, and the computer you're typing this on. Religeon gave us both millions of dead from arguing whose version of god is better, and people like Sr Theresa.

For someone who likes to argue that "guns don't kill, people do", you seem very willing to claim "science kills". Originally Posted by Old-T

He's not criticizing science. He's criticizing worshipping science. There's a difference.
bojulay's Avatar
If she was serious, why didn't she pursue the line of questioning on the topic of whether global warming has something to do with it? In fact, it seems to me like exactly the sort of facetious comment that the global warming skeptics might make.

I dunno, it seems so incredibly stupid that it's hard to believe she was serious. Originally Posted by timpage
No it doesn't, most of you Libtards accept GW as an
unquestionable fact and would attribute it to just
about any ecological event, even asteroids.

She probably thinks GW is why her panties get all
hot and mushy when she thinks about Obama.

This message approved by AL Gore.

ha ha ha ha
He's not criticizing science. He's criticizing worshipping science. There's a difference. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Science was responsible for the Holocaust? I thought it was the Nazi's.

One of the stupidest things I've ever seen posted.
I tend to believe educated climatologists whose life work involves the study of things like global warming versus a knuckle-dragging retard like you who posts up stupid shit like this......

No it doesn't, most of you Libtards accept GW as an
unquestionable fact and would attribute it to just
about any ecological event, even asteroids.

She probably thinks GW is why her panties get all
hot and mushy when she thinks about Obama.

This message approved by AL Gore.

ha ha ha ha Originally Posted by bojulay
joe bloe's Avatar
Science was responsible for the Holocaust? I thought it was the Nazi's.

One of the stupidest things I've ever seen posted. Originally Posted by timpage
Once again, JD said WORSHIPPING science was a problem, not science itself. You libtards are amazing. Even when it's pointed out that you're setting up a strawman argument by misquoting someone, you continue to do it.
bojulay's Avatar
I tend to believe educated climatologists whose life work involves the study of things like global warming versus a knuckle-dragging retard like you who posts up stupid shit like this...... Originally Posted by timpage
That's timpage on the end there. Supporting one of his favorite beliefs.

ha ha ha ha
All scientists have been able to prove is that climate change is real. We know the earth goes through cycles of cooling and warming. There is not one shred of evidence to support the idea that humankind is in any way responsible for creating global warming, or even accelerating global warming.

I have no problem with the idea of approaching environmental issues from the perspective of finding sustainable ways of doing things. Whether its the production of waste products, energy consumption, food consumption, or water usage, it makes sense to seek out ways of being environmentally neutral and sustainable.

What I find nauseating and laughable is the hysterical, chicken little, the sky is falling strategy that environmentalists ALWAYS use to push their agenda. You idiots have cried wolf one too many times. Pardon the rest of us for becoming numb to the constant litany of "WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE!!!!!!!" we've been hearing for decades.

When I was in high school, we had our very first Earth Day. This would have been 1990 or 1991. I remember being told at that time that we had only a 20 year supply of oil left. Well guess what? More than 20 years have passed, and there is still no end in sight. Will we eventually run out of oil? Yes. Will it be in our lifetime? Probably not.

Every time I hear yet another hysterical, the-sky-is-falling, wall eyed panic message from some environmental nut, it just makes me less inclined to listen to or give a shit about what they are saying. Spare us the theatrics, and stick to the facts. That's all I'm sayin.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Yeah, she's pretty fucking stupid with the Global Warming question.

HOWEVER, that doesn't excuse you buttholes for being so damned ignorant.

Deny climate change. Deny evolution. Deny everything. But make sure you call your televangelist with your credit card number.

Fucking morons! We're more likely to die from an asteroid hitting us that the other SKY IS FALLING conspiracies that you dipshits, dildos and dickweeds spout every day.

There is no gravity. The Earth Sucks!

And so do you!
Yssup Rider's Avatar
There is very little that is formative about the minds that watch CNN. They have already slurped the koolaid. Originally Posted by EXTXOILMAN
Yeah, all the people who believe in electricity are idiots!

So, Mr. Summa Cum Loudly, do you deny climate change? How about evolution? How about the power of one loudmouth slunt over your entire life?

Didn't think so!
Chica Chaser's Avatar
Spare us the theatrics, and stick to the facts. That's all I'm sayin. Originally Posted by SinsOfTheFlesh
In the Sandbox? Bahahahaha!!
WTF's Avatar
  • WTF
  • 02-14-2013, 07:15 PM
Once again, JD said WORSHIPPING science was a problem, not science itself. You libtards are amazing. Even when it's pointed out that you're setting up a strawman argument by misquoting someone, you continue to do it. Originally Posted by joe bloe
Do you understand that science is set up to continually question itself. . You are taught not to question God. You worship him. You do not worship science. Jd is an idiot to say science was the cause of the holocaust. It shows what little he knows about it. Science is not moral or amoral , it just is.

What Tim was saying was that science is just like a gun, it does not kill. , people do. But that goes over ya'iis heads.
bojulay's Avatar
Oh I totally agree on the fact of climate change 100 percent.

Lets see there's uhm, winter, spring, summer, fall,
did I miss any.

ha ha ha ha