Obama vs. The Sovereign State of Arizona

Illegal Immigrants=Undocumented Democrats

I had to laugh at that!Because it's true

Not that there's anything wrong with Democrats. I was one for many years.

I think the problem would be solved if:

There were a valid guest worker program. One that would enable Mexicans to get a permit, work, then go home. Not bring his 8 family members over with him to bleed our system dry.

Make it an enforceable crime to hire an undocumented worker, punishable by say $10,000 per offense and loss of business license for a set time. This would include nannys and gardeners.

Make taxpayer funded government assisstant programs-food stamps, day care, subsidized housing-ONLY available to citizens of the United States.

Enrollment in public schools be available only to US citizens.

It's time to take back our country. IMO. H
guest042912's Avatar
Heather, I know you hate these lawless criminals, since your just a symbol of good American citizenry, but does your plan include the American born children or does it exclude them?
[quote=xxr76xx;397285]Heather, I know you hate these lawless criminals,No , I understand that these ILLEGAL immigrants are desperate folks trying to feed their families(Hmmmm...wonder if they wouldn't be so fuckin' desperate if they didn't have so many children they clearly can't FEED)but that's of course MY fault and the fault of every other law abiding American citizen.

since your just a symbol of good American citizenry,Me? Awww....thanks..I'm just a proud AMERICAN. Thanks again!

but does your plan include the American born children or does it exclude them?If a child is born in the USA of an illegal immigrant NO IT SHOULD NOT BE CONSIDERED AN AMERICAN CITIZEN. IT IS THE PRODUCT OF LAWBREAKERS. I DON'T WANT MY TAXPAYER MONEY BEING SPENT ON SOMEONE THAT HAS BROKEN INTO MY COUNTRY ILLEGALLY AND WHO WISHES TO TAKE ADVANTAGE OF MY FELLOW CITIZENS GENEROSITY. Those who break into Mexico illegally are thrown out-not in any way case or form considered a "citizen". I want the USA to be like Mexico!!!!!!!!!!![/quote]

Luv ya tho