But as someone who refuses to out people, for now your safe. What a bunch of WK'ING jealous mother fuckers! Originally Posted by Still LookingSL, while I also really appreciate all the reconnaissance and pics and reviews on all these Ladies, I have to say that the ABOVE quote is just weak.
Either you stick to your mantra of "refusing to out people", then your "for now your safe" is a meaningless and empty threat
OR you start to clean up with these WKs and MFs.
The choice of course is yours (and may be of the Mods) BUT empty threats are just encouraging the ones that upset you. They are like kids and will do what they like best until punished.
P.S. From what I read, it turned out to be good for you (can't wait to see the pics on the freebies), so may be you want to keep protecting and nourishing them kids?