yea a friend of mine just did it through skydive dallas and she had a great time and shes usually scared of stuff i think that was even her first time on a plane! they made her a cool video of the whole thing and i must admit im thinking about trying it my birthday is monday who wants to jump?
Not me!! Use to fly acrobatic planes years ago that had a parachute you sat on. Never even strapped it on, just used it as a seat. Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane?? lol
I did it on my 21st B-day, Skydivetx, by Denton.
Do it again, oh yes, but kinky sex is more fun.
That sure would be an interesting way to start a date.
Tara, hope you do it sometime. Nothing like it as long as you have a competent Jump Master who puts you out on a static line at about 3000. Like anything else going on today, there are plenty of people who sell short-cuts and haphazard activities to try and impress. When I use to teach we never allowed anyone to jump single on a rip cord without first doing a minimum of five (DRCP) dummy rip cord pulls - and even then we were ready to catch them in case of trouble. Today the jump zones are just different and they sometimes take unnecessary risk. Find an old-school teacher who has a minimum of 3 years as a Jump Master, and you'll really enjoy the experience. Expect at least 3 hours of training for the landing correctly, steering and corrective actions + practice.
I jumped at 9,800 feet out at the Ennis Airport out past the Drag Car Races past FW back in 1992. Back in the day it was $125. Not sure how much the one in Dallas cost....but it is weeeelll worth it!!