on the other hand here is a training device:

Yup, just don't look around too closely in Europe. At least the restrooms are clean, as so few people use it and take it outside ... Cheap bastards.not sure what you mean, I have never witnessed anyone urinating in Public unless you count the 1 homeless guy I saw in Amsterdam..
... and THX for giving the Austin City a$$holes an idea. Originally Posted by fun2come
If you ever live there or even just visit and look closely you will find that people are urinating in passage ways, on walls, house corners, streets, rest areas.as a matter of fact I did travel via Autobahn from Amsterdam to Berlin back to Brussels and the one Rest Area, no charge, we did stop at was very clean no piss all over the seat.
Another problem is that usually restaurants won't let you use their restrooms unless you are a customer and shops usually only allow employees to use them (but it's easy to convince them, trust me !!).
Ever driven on the Autobahn and stopped at a rest area? Look around where people do their business instead of paying the 50c or 1 EUR.
And some European countries are better than others.
Does this happen here as well, yes, but not to that extend, as restrooms are more easily and freely accessible.
So yes restrooms in Europe are on average cleaner, but only because fewer people use them. Go into an open to the public, no charge restroom in Europe (if you find one) and take a good look on your next trip.
I don't use them .... I love nature. Originally Posted by fun2come
ONE of my ATF'S just sent this to me.... is this good or bad?Not to wax philosophical or anything useless like that, but doesn't it seem a bit nihilistic? I mean, hear we are, some of us pretty successful because we worked hard all of our lives, and we're chasing some little nihilist around who says we're in the 70's and she's a 90's bitch who doesn't care. Like Jackie Johnson said years ago in Nome, AK "Cunt are cunt." Indubitably! Bang one off, pay the lady, and move along...nothing to see (or improve) here.
Originally Posted by Still Looking