
boardman's Avatar
Since when is someone who isn't a moderator telling someone that something should've been sent through PM, moderating them? It's an opinion. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I think my words were "failed attempt".

You're not moderating anyone any more than I am, you just seem to to get your hackles up when you think someone is doing something you don't agree with even when you do it in such a way that directly contradicts what you are railing for i.e. talking down, being disrespectful, taking a passive aggressive approach trying to antagonize someone into an argument or smacking someone in the face with a baseball bat when they obviously need it. We both do it. The difference is I am enjoying it. You're obviously letting me get under your skin. Mission accomplished.

Missing YMWV aren't you? You seem to be bringing the schtick from there over here........or is me mentioning that considered to be moderating you? Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Did the Y go somewhere? Last time I looked it was still up and running and my schtick is the same there as it has always been here.

You seem to be a little testy being back from the orient. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Not at all, I've had at least half a dozen boardman love threads opened since my return from being a male whore across the pond...AND this thread is up to 31 posts thancks to you. That puts it in the top 1/3 of all posts in coed. That's the kind of attention I like!

Please continue!
Sarunga's Avatar
That the best you got? Originally Posted by pyramider
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
The time has come? Based on what?

How about providing a little bit of explanation as to why a hooker threAD was allowed to continue for over a month and a half and then closed...Was it because it went off track? A good mod would direct it back on track or let it die a quiet death in it's own time. Perhaps any new mod should go back and take a look at the handful of threads that have been closed over the last couple of years in Houston. Pretty much all with good reason and certainly none of them closed arbitrarily

Or was this another attempt at trying to piss off certain people? Originally Posted by boardman
This is the original post in this thread.

Basically the mods closed down another thread and the great boredman got his little panties in a wad, and made a new thread wanting to know why. How about sending a quick PM to Pistolero and asking him why instead of insinuating you're above everybody else and 'demanding' an answer.

Gotta love the helpful citizens who tell the mods how to do their jobs. Coincidentally, they're often the ones who make extra work for the mods. Go figure. Originally Posted by blowpop
Sorry BP, as hard as I tried, I could only get the system to accept 1 'like'. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I agreed with blowpop, which I do on many occasions.

I guess if I were on hiatus from the board and I just came back, I would ease back into the ebb and flow of the site, instead of making a post like I'm 'somebody' within the first week of my return. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
I stand by this comment. Again, a PM would've handled things, but I guess you need to let everybody know you're back and you don't take shit from moderators.

I guess if I weren't into the hobby anymore I would find somewhere else to spend my time and not try reliving my glory years on here time, after time, after time despite the many posts by members who are relevant they they simply don't give a fuck what you thinck. Originally Posted by boardman
Even though I'm on hiatus, (wife has severe problems due to her diabetes and my family is my priority vs. having sessions), I still have many friends here and I still like to keep up with what all is going on.

.............................. ...and the shit continued downward from here.

Simple solution, unless you're trying to get some sort of attention, let the mods handle the board business, and if you don't like what they do, solve the problems by PM. It's really simple. As long as you've been around, you should know this unless you have some sort of underlying agenda against board management.
Eccie Addict's Avatar
I remember when I first joined aspd and one of the threads I remember most was one where a guy caught a chick's misspelling. He proceeded to poke fun at her over that and I found it hilarious. The reactions were priceless......

We all know he did that for fun, to make her look stupid, to make himself look superior for a multitude of reasons....

I wonder if that guy still remembers doing that and if he thinks it was/is ok.
notanewbie's Avatar
not to sidetrack but doesn't quoting yourself on the internet make you gay?
Eccie Addict's Avatar
That's a great question. I mean same sex attraction is gay but what do you call it when you're attracted to yourself. Come on nan we all know you look at yourself in the mornings beaming over how pretty you are, what would you call that
boardman's Avatar
This is the original post in this thread.

Basically the mods closed down another thread and the great boredman got his little panties in a wad, and made a new thread wanting to know why. How about sending a quick PM to Pistolero and asking him why instead of insinuating you're above everybody else and 'demanding' an answer.

I agreed with blowpop, which I do on many occasions. Who'd a thunck it? That's funny right there, I don't care who you are!

I stand by this comment. Again, a PM would've handled things, but I guess you need to let everybody know you're back and you don't take shit from moderators.

Even though I'm on hiatus, (wife has severe problems due to her diabetes and my family is my priority vs. having sessions), I still have many friends here and I still like to keep up with what all is going on.

.............................. ...and the shit continued downward from here.

Simple solution, unless you're trying to get some sort of attention, let the mods handle the board business, and if you don't like what they do, solve the problems by PM. It's really simple. As long as you've been around, you should know this unless you have some sort of underlying agenda against board management. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Then why didn't you just send a PM, Juanita? Was it your intention to WK the new mod that was not following the guidelines or did it just come off that way?
boardman's Avatar
That's a great question. I mean same sex attraction is gay but what do you call it when you're attracted to yourself. Come on nan we all know you look at yourself in the mornings beaming over how pretty you are, what would you call that Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
notanewbie's Avatar
Come on nan we all know you look at yourself in the mornings beaming over how pretty you are, what would you call that Originally Posted by Eccie Addict
if I get myself hard.. I call that a good day.
DEAR_JOHN's Avatar
Then why didn't you just send a PM, Juanita? Was it your intention to WK the new mod that was not following the guidelines or did it just come off that way? Originally Posted by boardman
Juanita, how sweet. Since I won't lower myself to this level, then let me answer your comment.

I could care less about WK'ing to any mod, new or old.
boardman's Avatar
Juanita, how sweet. Since I won't lower myself to this level, then let me answer your comment. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN

You're the one that took it to that level. I just followed you down your own silly path. That's what I do.
What do you call "boredman"? It's a simple juvenile play on my handle. That's all I did. You can dish it but you can't take it.
Up to 41 now.

I could care less about WK'ing to any mod, new or old. Originally Posted by DEAR_JOHN
Yet that's exactly what you did, Well actually in all fairness you didn't jump in until someone else had the balls to do it first.

It looked to me like Pistolero and I each had our say and were pretty much done by around post #10. I got what I explanation of why the thread was closed. I expressed my opinion that he should have let the thread die a natural death but I accept his explanation for closing it.

I'm pretty confident that Pistolero can handle his own fights. In fact, I've gained quite a bit of respect for him just for letting this thread keep going.
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
The instant we as mods start buying into the idea that we know all and know without question how best to run the board is the instant we need to step down...... constructive criticism is not only always welcome, it's a necessity...... now, many of us may prefer a different tact be taken when presenting this constructive criticism..... but that's a different discussion......
dearhunter's Avatar
Can we have that in a sticky threAD..........we could name it "You can lead a modtard to water. But, you can't make him thinck"..........ija
Jusanotherdude's Avatar
Let's not get ahead of ourselves..... I plan on deleting that post as soon as I fuck up the next time and deny that shit like crazy......
boardman's Avatar
The instant we as mods start buying into the idea that we know all and know without question how best to run the board is the instant we need to step down...... constructive criticism is not only always welcome, it's a necessity...... now, many of us may prefer a different tact be taken when presenting this constructive criticism..... but that's a different discussion...... Originally Posted by Jusanotherdude
You don't like baseball bats?