They parade their nuke downtown, aint it cute how they paint the tip of the nuke red? lol. The thing probably wont even work either, and I guarantee we can pop anything they shoot up out of the sky. At best their technology is like 40-50 years old. Most of their military is equipped with WW2/Korean War era relics. The sad part is it is really suicidal to fuck with us. It's like the NK government knows they are fucked so bad they want us to kill off a large part of their population so they can say, "they (US) did it". Similar to a criminal that does the police assisted suicide thing. Except the population aren't the criminals, it's the government.
If the North Korean people really knew what is going on they would oust that little fucker in a second. The population is totally cut off from the world so they just believe what they are being told. It's going to be interesting to see how all this plays out. Somehow we need to oust their government and inform the people of NK that they are being fooled.
I don't ever remember any nation threatening the US like this. It's almost laughable actually. There are a couple noteworthy indicators that this is smoke and mirrors- the South Korean stock market isn't tanking, and it appears the South Korean people aren't worried about this much. China wants to sit at the big boy table, they need to shut this wacko cracko up.
Dennis Rodman fucked this up Im sure!
I don't ever remember any nation threatening the US like this. It's almost laughable actually. There are a couple noteworthy indicators that this is smoke and mirrors- the South Korean stock market isn't tanking, and it appears the South Korean people aren't worried about this much. China wants to sit at the big boy table, they need to shut this wacko cracko up.
Originally Posted by Misawahawk
China is already at the big boy table, and soon they will be at the head of that table, if they aren't already there.
Maybe some day China will be the hegemon. I'm pretty sure most people alive in the US now will be pushing daisies by then though. They bought a bunch of US t-bills, but the US can print money at will. So we can devalue our currency and pay them what we owe if need be. Sure we will have inflation/deflation issues but we can burn that bridge when we get there.
China has one crappy aircraft carrier bought used from Russia. US has nine or ten. Our navy would give them fits. They have no way to make any land invasion here.
Its sad that even us nimwits talking about it on a hooker board is more attention than the munckin deserves, let him rant and threaten, he's not going to do anything. His threats of using nukes is a joke, the only thing he realy has is about 500,000 artilary rounds aimed at South Korea, 10 minutes of Tomahawk Cruise missles, B2 bombers and stealth fighter strikes and his offensive capabilities are done.
Let me re-iterate....don't fixate on the nukes. Of course they can't strike the US with a nuke. But, at the push of a button, the world's largest rocket attack could occur.
Dirtydawg, the only way to effectively destroy their ability is with a pre-emptive strike. I'm fairly sure that won't we'll just sit and play chicken.
Really the guy is more of a terrorist than anything. We should treat him as such.
That was an interesting article, but they forget to mention the missile ever getting to a position where it can do damage. Our anti missile defense is the best in the world. Heck we were shooting down Scuds with Patriots over 20 years ago. That technology has to have advanced many times since then.
Roya, There's lots of speculation that the EMP is actually on the weather satalite that NK launched back in December. The big joke was that it "was tumbling out of control". It's still in orbit and doing a pole to pole orbit just like they wanted. All last week it was crossing over KC. Right now, when it crosses over the US.. it's crossing over the west coast.
I've got a link that shows where it's path is, but I have to find it.
We've war gamed for electro magnetic pulse, chem, bio, pretty much every scenario. The USSR gave up because they knew they would lose. Always a bad idea to bet against America. If it bleeds it leads, newspapers are just trying to sell advertising. If they attack SK or the US, NK will be a parking lot. If they were going to attack I don't see how it benefits them to announce it.
If North Korea has EMP techonology, then my cock drags the ground when I walk, and unfortunately, I have not had to have it fitted for a shoe. The North can claim they have Jimmy Hoffas body and the press in this country would jump all over it, its called misinformation. I dont find it coinceidential that the Navy announced today that we have put the first operating lazer on a navy vessal. Emp techonology no way, if China and Russia havn't done it there is no way N. korea has.
Crew, I am not fixated on the nukes at all, in fact I doubt that N korea has been able to obtain enough enriched uranium to produce more than 3 or 4. Its the 500,000 non nuke artillary pieces aimed at S korea that is to be concerned about. Now according the an Admiral who was discussing this very topic the other morning, he was stating that the first 30 minutes would be Kaos in the South, but within 10 minutes we would be striking their command and control capability and he stated its doubtfull they could be functioning and any serious threat level with in 1 hour of the initial strike.