This changed my life and my SO absolutely loves the fresh smell and the lack of sweat. It's a lotion. Run it on after shower. It dries and keeps you clean and fresh even if you miss a shower. Well worth the money!!!
NO NO NO...Most mouth wash, especially Listerine is mostly alcohol......NOT a good idea! Soap (Dial or other antibacterial) and water...dry well.... add baby powder if you have sweaty balls.
Dudes.. if you are really worried get a f'in clue.. shave your balls- shower at least once if not 2 x day.. Get some Balla powder if you are really worried or you sweat down there.. wear clean underwear-microfiber is best..
it is almost comical to me that providers/hobbyists are concerned with being clean.. you are in the sex business.. both sides seriously??
I thinck most hereabouts are over thincking the cheesy balls. Ladies, just keep some rubber gloves at your incall and have Brillo pads and bleach at the ready. Lava soap would be a nice touch, too.