I'm just not that into her.

pmdelites's Avatar
This is my #555 post! WHOO-HOO!!

What do I win??
Originally Posted by Tiffany Cums
[way off topic, but wanted to respond to tiffany's statement]

sorry, you have to make 666 posts to win a free all expenses paid trip to hades, where you'll met some incredibly interesting and debaucherous folks.

for instance, you might meet dallas rain there...
see esp. her signature lines....
Alexis & Nina,

Those are the kinds of answers I was looking for. I hope most providers have your attitude. It sounds like you love what you do and that translates to a genuine affection for your clients. Thanks for your input, girls. Originally Posted by esteve
Precisely. I do love it. Is there any other reason to do it? IMO, nope. Boys are just too much fun. We can't all be automatically attracted to one another, but we can give it a fair chance before moving on.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Classy ladies one and all here. While I like spinners, I've met my share of bbw and the one's who were passionate (a plus for me) and didn't like act like toll takers were exquisite and by far the most memorable experiences.
I am attracted to a certain body type as well, and at my age, (63), really can't perform unless the woman I am with fits that type.

For what it is worth, I like 35+ year old women with a nice tush, slim waist, and a attractive face. Boobs are not nearly as much of an attraction as they were when I was much younger.

If a woman who is 5'2 and weighs much more than 125, I will probably pass.

I know there are some wonderful providers who are plus size, some with great chest, both natural and MM. But if I can't get it up, we are just wasting my time, and hers..
Guest081710-2's Avatar
Physical attractiveness is the perception of the physical traits of an individual human person as aesthetically pleasing or beautiful, and can include various implications such as sexual attractiveness and physique. What is considered physically attractive is dependent on three factors: universal perceptions common to all human cultures, cultural and social aspects, and individual subjective preferences. Despite universally held perceptions of beauty in both sexes, males tend to place significantly higher value on physical appearance in a partner than women do. So bottom line beauty is in the eye of the beer holder...I mean beholder..LOL
esteve...sorry, you probably wouldn't make a good provider! (lol) As for me...I try to find something good in everyone that I meet. However, I would have to say yes, having attraction or chemistry with someone definitely makes for a much better session.

Chemistry is an odd thing...it doesn't nececessarily mean the most attractive man I've ever met...but, something that catches my attention...maybe it's charisma. The way they carry themselves...a certain smile...or their sense of humor...their passion...and definitely an internal quiet strength.
daty/o's Avatar
Sweetie, you are so right. If I had to make it as a provider, I'd starve to death. I'm sure that is why males are the demand and not the supply. I cannot do what you do, but there isn't a male on this board that doesn't thank the stars that you can.
Damn pyramider...I didn't know providers would let you stick it in their ears...WOW! I can't imagine that feels too good for them or you....LOL...
Most of sex is between your ears. Originally Posted by pyramider
All hobbists look like Ben Franklin. Originally Posted by charlestudor2005
Ain't that the truth. LOL
