This could be interesting...

[QUOTE=Old Dingus;1052814484]
Damn...If you were a girl you would be proper bunnie boiler material...QUOTE]

If he was a girl????


Old Dingus Originally Posted by Valerie
Good point...
Damn...If you were a girl you would be proper bunnie boiler material...I've come across quite a few stalkers in my days, and you are certainly making your way up the top of the list...well done. Originally Posted by Valerie
Bunnie boiler? Damned British slang!
ROFLMAO! Bunny Boiler ... Fatal Attraction! Good one, Pumpkin
Hey Boardman, don't cats boil up like rabbits?

Old Dingus
I read every Valerie posting with an English accent. BONER

Jusanotherdude's Avatar
ROFLMAO! Bunny Boiler ... Fatal Attraction! Good one, Pumpkin Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Aww took you a bit to put two and two together... Pumpkin.
Wakeup's Avatar
Love ya hun.
blowpop's Avatar
Back to the original topic (I know, crazy, right?) gadgets like this have been theorized and hacked together for a long time. The field even has a name - teledildonics. I did not just make that up.

Taken to the logical extreme, you end up with the Star Trek holodeck, and virtual sex that's indistinguishable from reality. In the interim, it's going to be a lot cruder, but it will keep improving, because all the pieces keep getting better. Look up Oculus Rift and imagine that being used in an adult MMOG with the appropriate "attachments".

Wanna bet there are a lot of folks who'd pay $50/mo for access?
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
Holo deck sex for a mere $50 a month? Shit yes, hookers would be lined up at McDonalds for jobs...
notanewbie's Avatar
is this the right thread to mention I am hiring for my soon to be open Blow Job Stand?
Aww took you a bit to put two and two together... Pumpkin. Originally Posted by Valerie
Only because you don't know how to spell Bunny ... rhymes with Honey, Pumpkin.
Only because you don't know how to spell Bunny ... rhymes with Honey, Pumpkin. Originally Posted by StinkyFingers
Oh I'm fully aware how to properly spell it, you stalk me well enough you of all people should know I have no issues in the grammar department ...I simply save the 'bunnie boiler' slang for the real twats...(Hence why I used it in reference to you), pumpkin.
is this the right thread to mention I am hiring for my soon to be open Blow Job Stand? Originally Posted by notanewbie
Couldn't hurt
Oh I'm fully aware how to properly spell it, you stalk me well enough you of all people should know I have no issues in the grammar department ...I simply save the 'bunnie boiler' slang for the real twats...(Hence why I used it in reference to you), pumpkin. Originally Posted by Valerie
But, you misinterpret my attentions, Love. I'm not stalking you. I do appreciate the bunnie & twat slang ... Oh, and of course ... Pumpkin. And, you did spell Cunt perfectly.