Well, the jury has it now.
In a way, I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand, the Government tells a Doctor and a Woman that it is ok to kill a 24 week old fetus, but if the abortion does not do the deed to the fullest, then you cannot kill it a few seconds later.
The initial legal action was performed in order to kill the fetus. period. It is not the Doctors fault that the time tested procedure for accomplishing this deed did not finish the job.
I cannot amagine what condition a "baby" born after a botched abortion would be in, it's a pretty grissly procedure. But I am sure there would be considerable damage to every major organ.
Perhaps murder is not the correct charge. Neglegence maybe, malpractice? But to charge a man with murder while he was performing a legal procedure seems extreme.
Or does it say something about us as a society when we are perfectly willing to allow a few inches in position of a baby's head, as it travels down the birth canal, mean the difference between what is legal, and what is not.
And what has a right to life, and what doesn't.