Reasons why I'd make a provider's great SO.

Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
Welcome Alex. So glad to see you join us. Originally Posted by Ansley
I agree. Welcome.
Welcome Alex. So glad to see you join us. Originally Posted by Ansley
Right! Just what we need. An other opinionated broad around here. God knows we don't have enough of them.

Just kidding. Welcome.
..'s Avatar
  • ..
  • 07-23-2010, 11:55 AM
Right! Just what we need. An other opinionated broad around here. God knows we don't have enough of them. Originally Posted by pjorourke
but PJ, you have to be fair, broad she may be, but her blog is quite practical.

for a starter try

(and to be really smartass: while the sponge trick is very common, some prefer a so-called "mooncup" because it's less hassle.)

ps: welcome of course!
I've gotten quite close to a provider myself. We spend a lot of time together outside of sessions. I would love to have that fuck buddy kind of relationship but don't know quite how to approach it.

Or should I even bother asking?
Thank you for the welcome everyone!!!!! I'm happy to be here.


Thank you for the welcome everyone!!!!! I'm happy to be here.


Alex Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
Is this the REAL Alex Lieberman? I LOVE your blog! Can I have your autograph? or maybe set up a date??

love, Bboy60
As a married provider, please allow me to add....

1) Sometimes she wants to be left alone, and sometimes she wants to be fu**ed like an animal and it is up to me to figure out which she wants without asking.
2) I understand that when she isn't working she does not want to shave her legs, pretty up, or where anything cute.
3) HER MONEY is HER MONEY..... MY MONEY is OUR MONEY. The way in which she earns it justifies this philosophy and I know better than to question it.
4) I understand that there are men out there with dicks a lot bigger than mine and am prepared to hear about it when she gets home.

Dude, it's not as glamorous as you might think, really. It takes a very unique and special man to pull it off. There are many pros (my man can fuck whoever he wants and it doesn't bother me) and cons (see above). Originally Posted by Bliss
+1 With Bliss!

And wanted to add....

when she takes her time and money to pretty up by spending a day at the salon, you can't bitch...just go with it. Not only does she need a lift in spirit, but it also contributes to her work.

When she wants you to stay up extra late with her, past the time the kids are all snug in their bed to take sexy pics of her to 'her' approval, you HAVE to do matter how tired you are, and how much you thought those last 100 pics really did look good! She needs those pics for her showcase.

When you are watching a movie with her, and in the middle of it during a slow part, she WILL pick her laptop and check her email...and the matter how much you protest to it!

You may get home at 5, and you may be off on the weekends, but that doesnt mean you will spend any time with her!

You want anal? really? Because she had 2 clients today that wanted anal too, and she is about to shit all over the next person that even THINKS about sticking their finger in there! Not her fault...just how it is!

Like Bliss said, it takes a real special man....y'all just can't compete!
Well, well all righty then. Moving right along.

Isn't ECCIE a wonderful place. We all can have different opinions on what makes a man special.

I think I just fell in love with the most non-bullshit spewing (from the mouth) provider I've ever just met.

I had your response in my inbox and just HAD to come see who this was and say, I LOVE YOUR RESPONSE!

Although - I'd never book two greeks' in a day when I was workin...well, maybe I would every once in a while, if I knew who I was seeing and knew what to expect. And I know on the old board, there was a great thread on being prepared for greek - I followed that, and never had any bumbastic after shocking experiences. Just some good ol "got fucked in the ass real good last night" left over soreness. Took some advil...moved right along.
(man, that feels like forever ago)
Great point, but even this is sometimes difficult to deal with. I have a client who has become close enough that we've been together off the clock. (with the caveat that it was only going to be the one time)

I consider him a close friend AND fav client, and could imagine a fuck buddy situation, but I think it would be awkward to try to determine when it's business and when it's not. Even if he said he'd be cool with however I wanted to play it, I'd feel a bit weird, you know? I wouldn't want either one of us to take advantage of the other. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman

Well - if you were going off the thought of not being sure - just from what I posted...then you've got it twisted.
My statement was meant to be taken as it was said.
One state leads to another. If you go out as "drinkin buddies" - that does not involved being paid for your time. So if in fact it does lead to be "fuck buddies"....the very definition of "fuck buddy" is a "friend that you enjoy fucking" or "someone that comes around, just for a fuck....because ya'll like to strings."
So, based off my post....there's no confusion to be had.
Hookers, ho's, prostitutes, escorts, street walkers, high dollar hotties, sugar babies....they are all women or men - who have had the ability to have clients.....and should they decide......pick one that they enjoy hanging out with, and just say, "listen, lets just hang out here and strings."

You just did yourself in as far as the $$ part goes, cuz once he got it for nada....there's hardly a chance that he will book at your "retail" again. "agreement" or not.

Now, if you ask someone to come hang out - no strings..who is a client...and ya'll hook up and he unexpectedly leaves money for you. Well, he wants it to stay more "professional fuck buddy".

I don't want to go into more details - but I think you can get what I'm saying.

Every person has their "things" they like, or want or enjoy.
If you are a provider, the chances of a client doing those things for you are very slim. Plus, you aren't worrying about yourself.
When you are alone with a fuck buddy - they learn your quirks and crevices and they know that if you push at them a bit, then that may mean you want to be thrown to the bed and pinned down...which a client, even if he sorta had the idea that is what you may want....may not dare, for fear of you being threatened.
You can also use them to try out new toys on yourself or on them. (like I had this weird rig I didn't know what the hell to do with, and I sure as hell didn't want to waste a client's time trying to figure it I called up my FB and we had a hell of a time trying to work it out, but once we did...woo hoo for us and all those after us that enjoyed it.)
Your absolutely right. I talk about drawing the line all the time. Business is business and needs to stay that way. And who am I our line of work I want a movie buddy, a shopping buddy, a lunch buddy. I need a fuck buddy like I need a hole in the head.
Your absolutely right. I talk about drawing the line all the time. Business is business and needs to stay that way. And who am I our line of work I want a movie buddy, a shopping buddy, a lunch buddy. I need a fuck buddy like I need a hole in the head. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
That is so true. I am friends with a gay guy that manages my tanning salon. I'm always joking that I wish that could afford to "keep" him.
Carl's Avatar
  • Carl
  • 07-23-2010, 10:04 PM
Funny thing is I was a movie buddy to a local gal until she moved a way. We both saw a lot of movies, usually alone, and talk about them in PMs or IM. So, one day we decided to just let the other know if when one of us was going and what we wanted to see. We'd decide on something and go together if we were both able to. If not, no big deal. We probably saw a couple dozen movies together over about 3 years. The company was nice.
Your absolutely right. I talk about drawing the line all the time. Business is business and needs to stay that way. And who am I our line of work I want a movie buddy, a shopping buddy, a lunch buddy. I need a fuck buddy like I need a hole in the head. Originally Posted by Alex Lieberman
When I pay my fee, I am paying you to be discreet, to attach zero strings to me, and to be as romantically non-dangerous as a eunuch.

Without that fee, what have I got?

Indiscretion, strings, and someone who thinks she has the same rights as a girlfriend.
Sa_artman's Avatar
Is this the REAL Alex Lieberman? I LOVE your blog! Can I have your autograph? or maybe set up a date??

love, Bboy60 Originally Posted by BBoy60
Good luck with that.