Moms who mention their kids while posting nude photos

DG what a gwan Cassandra you really did not need to answer the OP because it's nobodies business how you operate but thanks for the incite.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
DG what a gwan Cassandra you really did not need to answer the OP because it's nobodies business how you operate but thanks for the incite. Originally Posted by Thatdude

I never feel the need to explain myself. However I do feel compelled to give some insight to people passing judgement with out compassion or empathy.
No ones business yet I found it necessary.
I sure I am not the only one who uses face pics for the same reason as I do or did.
dearhunter's Avatar
But, you are not as fugly as some.........ijs
boardman's Avatar
I find it harder...err, more difficult that is to come up with new ways of getting attention. ijs.

SexyCassandra's Avatar
I find it harder...err, more difficult that is to come up with new ways of getting attention. ijs.

Originally Posted by boardman

Well I guess that proves its not a mans world after all. Its always easier for women then it is for men. IJS.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
But, you are not as fugly as some.........ijs Originally Posted by dearhunter
AWWWE DH you have such a way with words. Im sure you say that to all the ladies and make them tingle in that special place.
jbravo_123's Avatar
So the OP is claiming that they're trying to help these poor lost souls change their hurtful ways through a helpful PSA openly ridiculing them for their choices. Gotcha.

She has kids too and has admitted to sending her pictures out to potential clients. Good thing there's no chance of those pictures getting out
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
No, I'm discussing Moms who talk about their kids here, while at the same time posting nude photos. I screen everyone before sending out my photo and even then, I am fully clothed.

To each her own, but I don't think some have even considered the consequences. When the well-known provider I know was arrested, it was in front of her child and her photos from ads ran on the news, so ijs.

I wouldn't expect you gentleman to agree that this is not a good idea, cause we all know which head sometimes wins in matters of "taint" photos.

Btw, I'm an empty nester, but even now I am still careful.

dearhunter's Avatar
You retards share entirely too much of your own personal information in a idiotic attempt to make your point.......ijs
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
You may be right about that dh.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
No, I'm discussing Moms who talk about their kids here, while at the same time posting nude photos. I screen everyone before sending out my photo and even then, I am fully clothed.

To each her own, but I don't think some have even considered the consequences. When the well-known provider I know was arrested, it was in front of her child and her photos from ads ran on the news, so ijs.

I wouldn't expect you gentleman to agree that this is not a good idea, cause we all know which head sometimes wins in matters of "taint" photos.

Btw, I'm an empty nester, but even now I am still careful.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
If a women provider or not chooses to talk about their kids, they are their kids to talk about. Any other topic should be acceptable other then somes eles children on a FUCKIN HOOKER BOARD!!!
I ask this in the nicest possible way. Who the FUCK are you to judge someone else parenting skills?
jbravo_123's Avatar
No, I'm discussing Moms who talk about their kids here, while at the same time posting nude photos. I screen everyone before sending out my photo and even then, I am fully clothed.

To each her own, but I don't think some have even considered the consequences. When the well-known provider I know was arrested, it was in front of her child and her photos from ads ran on the news, so ijs.

I wouldn't expect you gentleman to agree that this is not a good idea, cause we all know which head sometimes wins in matters of "taint" photos.

Btw, I'm an empty nester, but even now I am still careful.

~ Originally Posted by Lexieinhouston
Ah, so because the photos you send aren't nude, you believe there is some difference in what you're doing?

If a provider gets caught, do you really think not having nude photos on their showcase will prevent the police from coming whenever they want or prevent the media from putting them on the news?

Again, I'm not really seeing the point of posting a thread about this. Do you honestly expect providers to "see the light" and come to your way of thinking? Will it lower the odds of them getting recognized? Sure. Will it significantly impact their business? Definitely.

Even if they don't talk about their kids, it's probably safe to assume that most providers actually do have kids.
Trey's Avatar
  • Trey
  • 05-29-2013, 05:33 PM
I fell you sc this "you're a bad hooker cus you don't hook like me" stuff has to stop. She needs to stfu on shit that don't concern her. If you want to lecture other hookers on the ways of hookerdom stop being a hooker first. Otherwise go sit the fuck down and suck a cock.
Lexieinhouston's Avatar
Ignorance is bliss. I knew how this topic would go over that's why I didn't post it years ago. I don't need this type of attention, so saying that I'm posting this for attention is way off-base.
SexyCassandra's Avatar
I fell you sc this "you're a bad hooker cus you don't hook like me" stuff has to stop. She needs to stfu on shit that don't concern her. If you want to lecture other hookers on the ways of hookerdom stop being a hooker first. Otherwise go sit the fuck down and suck a cock. Originally Posted by trey

I gave a very good reason earlier as to why or possibly why whether it applies or not, to all or most it doesn't matter. Someone should end this bs and close this shit. Its a touchy subject.
Even the nicest person in the world is capable of anything when concerning their children. Id just leave it be.