The idea of Christ like figures that pre-date Jesus debunked

Ahhhh your post happened on day 3 of this thread; the original post isn't political.....but like i said, if the bar is anything goes in the political forum count me in...........

It is easy to make a thread on Mayonnaise into a political discussion on food safety and nonsense........
Ahhhh your post happened on day 3 of this thread; the original post isn't political.....but like i said, if the bar is anything goes in the political forum count me in...........

It is easy to make a thread on Mayonnaise into a political discussion on food safety and nonsense........ Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Yeah, we've notice that about you.

In fact, you'll make it into 8 or 9 threads, won't you Whirlagay?
Yeah, we've notice that about you.

In fact, you'll make it into 8 or 9 threads, won't you Whirlagay? Originally Posted by ExNYer
WHIRLAGAY! Why in the hell didn't I think of that?

I've to to hand it to ExNYer on that one. That was a creative name!

If nothing else, it shows there is "HOPE" for a few of our conservative posters.
Old-T's Avatar
  • Old-T
  • 06-04-2013, 10:14 PM
Ahhhh your post happened on day 3 of this thread; the original post isn't political...... Originally Posted by Whirlaway
Then maybe you were three days late with your gripe.

Are you THAT obsessed with the idea that you are not the ONLY person allowed to start threads here? I would have posted the same reply whether the thread was here or some other forum. I suggest you take up your gripe with the mods. But if you did that in private, them you wouldn't be cluttering the public portion of the board, would you? You wouldn't get your ego stroked as you shout to the world, "Look at MEEEEE!!!!!!", just as you have thousands of times already.
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
bojulay's Avatar
Originally Posted by CuteOldGuy
The roman historian Tacitus wrote about the death of Christ in 116AD,
Christ died in 33AD that is 83 years.

2013 minus 83 is 1930, by your reasoning we should ignore all written history
that is before 1930.

No credible contemporary historians ether religious or secular argue about
whether Jesus existed or not.

(Note: Tacitus hated Christianity and Christians)
CuteOldGuy's Avatar
I have no doubt Jesus existed. I just think there is a lot written about him that isn't true.
The roman historian Tacitus wrote about the death of Christ in 116AD,
Christ died in 33AD that is 83 years.

2013 minus 83 is 1930, by your reasoning we should ignore all written history
that is before 1930.

No credible contemporary historians ether religious or secular argue about
whether Jesus existed or not. Originally Posted by bojulay
You are deliberately missing the point. He did not say Jesus did not exist.

He is asking why all of those important events allegedly associated with the life of Jesus did not appear in the histories written by others at the time. Why do those stories only appear in the Gospels - which were written by believers, not impartial observers?

Why didn't the Roman (or Jewish) historians write about Herod slaughtering thousands of baby boys?

Why didn't the Roman (or Jewish) historians write about dead people walking around?
Don't Be Daft!'s Avatar
Jesus=misunderstood rabbi. His message was not an ounce different than Rabbi Hillel's. But, I would say that--"I'm a Jew!"
bojulay's Avatar
You are deliberately missing the point. He did not say Jesus did not exist.

He is asking why all of those important events allegedly associated with the life of Jesus did not appear in the histories written by others at the time. Why do those stories only appear in the Gospels - which were written by believers, not impartial observers?

Why didn't the Roman (or Jewish) historians write about Herod slaughtering thousands of baby boys?

Why didn't the Roman (or Jewish) historians write about dead people walking around? Originally Posted by ExNYer
The killing of the boys, infant up to the age of two, occurred in Bethlehem
a town with an estimated population of 1000, so the number of infants killed
has been estimated to be between 10 to 20, not hundreds or thousands.

The question is raised, why didn't Josephus the Jewish historian record the
event, but there are several prominent events of greater proportion that
occurred in the time of Josephus that he did not write about as well.

It is unlikely that any Roman historian would consider the killing of 10 to 20
Jewish infants even noteworthy enough to record.

It is not hard to understand also why no historian would be prone to write about any
type of miraculous events ether witnessed or rumored.
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