Thoughts on losing V-card to a provider

08cris's Avatar
He also needs to make sure the girl is newb friendly too.....So Lea and Angel cakes won't work....I would also recommend you Ashley of Houston because she is legit but isn't newb friendly....Get yourself a p411 account
BatteriesNotIncluded's Avatar
DJ gives great advice. Don't find TOO hot of a chick as you don't want to spoil your future civilian adventures. Someone who is very open minded and, for lack of a better word "average".

You'll be fine. I was 21. We're all on here because we have issues of one type or another
Considering your whining regarding other girls pricing, it's safe to assume this would be your only pick.

Look kid find a hot ass chick, get some premium access, do some research and get some ass.

This dude is only a few years younger than me and you guys are making him settle. Seriously you don't get in the hobby young to fuck because you can't get it out in the real world you get in this gig to smash hot pussy. Originally Posted by mojojo213

Research and find a cute consistent girl.
Considering your whining regarding other girls pricing, it's safe to assume this would be your only pick.

Look kid find a hot ass chick, get some premium access, do some research and get some ass.

This dude is only a few years younger than me and you guys are making him settle. Seriously you don't get in the hobby young to fuck because you can't get it out in the real world you get in this gig to smash hot pussy. Originally Posted by mojojo213

Thank you!

You don't get into hobbying to fuck some washed up broad, get yourself a hottie and go to town. Msog is a must, of course. You want your first experience to be memorable, one that you could look back on and smile and not cringe. The other guys may find their dick gets hard when they give you those suggestions, but for a young guy, go for broke. Find a hot chick with a good rep and msog. You'll thank me later.

My first INDY hobby experience was with AsiaJackie, followed by Jolie - NO REGRETS and they are still the standard by which I measure other providers/civilians to.
If you had this guy as a dad you wouldn't be in this predicament.
PhotoTherapy's Avatar
There are a lot of good suggestions thrown around in here. You could go top shelf and pay premium dollar. You could go value and get proven experience. There is no wrong answer as long as you can figure out what you are really looking to get. But have you considered a nice massage at the racetrack? It's relaxing, meets some of your requirements, and can help calm any possible nervousness. I'm just trying to mention something I don't think I have seen posted in here.

Whatever you choose, do your homework (pay for premium access). Good luck.
  • zyzz
  • 07-22-2013, 11:12 PM
Thanks for the feed back guys I'm really taking all of it and trying to find the right girl. But, I have one question do providers have pimps?
Mojojo's Avatar
DJ gives great advice. Don't find TOO hot of a chick as you don't want to spoil your future civilian adventures. Someone who is very open minded and, for lack of a better word "average".

You'll be fine. I was 21. We're all on here because we have issues of one type or another Originally Posted by BatteriesNotIncluded
With all due respect man I dont see how fucking a hot chick now will fuck it up for him later. You have got to really just turn gay for that to happen...........the variety of woman isn't limited to the hobby world. There's fine ass honey's world wide so i don't see how fucking a few hot hookers will deter you from wanting to fuck a finer girl you meet in say Sweeden, Thailand, or wherever.........truth is there will always be a finer girl than the one you're fuckin both here and in the real world.

So OP regardless of your flavor the key thing here is research. That also applies to your second question regarding pimps.......some girls do some girls don't, that's where research comes in handy.
You have been given excellent advice, particularly from Dear_John.

Let us know how it goes. You will have a great time!

Old Dingus
chicagoboy's Avatar
Please, go get laid, so you don't have to use the expression "V-Card" ever again.

With all due respect man I dont see how fucking a hot chick now will fuck it up for him later. You have got to really just turn gay for that to happen........... Originally Posted by mojojo213
There is much wisdom in Mojo Jojo's words.
Bro, find yourself the hottest fucking chick you can imagine for your first experience. Someone who really turns you on with their looks. Don't worry about how much it costs, just do it! It's your only first in a lifetime experience.

Make sure you jackoff about an hour or two before your session ... that will help prevent you from cumming too quickly and give you stamina for an multi pop session.
Oh ... and, OP. I wouldn't worry too much about letting them know you're a virgin.

I'll bet there are many ladies on this Board who would get especially turned-on by the thought of introducing a young man to the pleasures of seduction by an experienced woman.

You might even put an ISO that you're a virgin and see what kind of response you get ... you may be pleasantly surprised.
Your budget will determine who you can and cannot see. A woman in her 30's who's been in the biz a while is probably better than 40's or 50's, since you would prefer a younger woman. The ladies mentioned would rock your world, but none are spinners. SF is right, post in the ISO and see who contacts you.
Although I am newbie friendly and look younger than I am, I am neither a spinner, nor in my twenties. I would recommend RubyRed. I don't know how you'll get around the newbie thing - you could always contact her and plead your case. Best of luck to you, dear, and I hope your first time is explosive.
  • BDD
  • 07-23-2013, 05:18 PM
...I have one question do providers have pimps? Originally Posted by zyzz
Some do. Some don't. I couldn't tell you a percentage one way or the other. My experience with the providers I have seen from ECCIE is that they don't. BP is a different animal.

Here is a good tip. Pay to get premium access and do some research. Find a provider or three that intrigues you, contact them via PM and set something up. If the lady has several reviews here and nobody has mentioned pimp or management in a review then she is probably independent.

If you don't want to pay for access to the ROS section of the reviews then pick somebody recommended in this thread and get after it. Afterwards write a review. If your review meets the guidelines you will be given several weeks of premium access for free and can do significant desearch on your second Provider.

Happy hunting.