Can book burnings be far behind?

Stan.Dupp's Avatar
You pointedly made it a "religious issue", Stan Duplicitous by skipping over post @ #19. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ceaușescu, the Kims and Pol Pot were atheist and Hitler was a-religious, Stan Duplicitous. The extant proof overwhelms your wretched "refutation".
Originally Posted by I B Hankering
No I am sorry wrong again, I said all Relgions lead to non critical thinking, and lack of rationale and reasoning, and a belief in fairy tales. I also said that fanatical religions or fanatical religious people that spring from religions are the cause of great harm to people in general in our societies.

Then you wanted to show that one religion was worse than another if one killed more people, as if somehow the religion that killed less was not harmful in the same manner as the other, and is somehow better, or kinder, which is nonsense.

You and others then counter and deflect by saying that Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were atheists and therefore atheism drove them to do what they did and that somehow that atheism is the greater evil or what ever such non sense. I am saying that they were not atheists, and in that link (which I am sure you didn't read) gives numerous famous quotes by all 3 stating their religious reasonings for doing what they did in the deaths of so many, not to mention that Stalin was a friggin ordained priest and was never ex-communicated. But clearly your not going to read any link I post with any facts because you have your mind made up, and aren't interested in looking at historical facts.

Round and Round we go where you stop nobody knows..!
Stan.Dupp's Avatar

This was a belt buckle that was standard issue uniform for all Nazi soliders, and it says "Gott Mit Unus" which means God with us.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
at least IBSyndrome has given you a specially crafted nickname of your very own, Stan! consider yourself in good company.
I B Hankering's Avatar
No I am sorry wrong again, I said all Relgions lead to non critical thinking, and lack of rationale and reasoning, and a belief in fairy tales. I also said that fanatical religions or fanatical religious people that spring from religions are the cause of great harm to people in general in our societies.

Then you wanted to show that one religion was worse than another if one killed more people, as if somehow the religion that killed less was not harmful in the same manner as the other, and is somehow better, or kinder, which is nonsense.

You and others then counter and deflect by saying that Hitler, Stalin, and Pol Pot were atheists and therefore atheism drove them to do what they did and that somehow that atheism is the greater evil or what ever such non sense. I am saying that they were not atheists, and in that link (which I am sure you didn't read) gives numerous famous quotes by all 3 stating their religious reasonings for doing what they did in the deaths of so many, not to mention that Stalin was a friggin ordained priest and was never ex-communicated. But clearly your not going to read any link I post with any facts because you have your mind made up, and aren't not interested in looking at historical facts.

Round and Round we go where you stop nobody knows..! Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
The fundamental error in your premise, Stan Duplicitous, is that you only recognize and ascribe evils to the "religious" when extant evidence reveals that the "a-religious" are equally capable of evil. Therefore, it's not "deflection" to point out to you that your whole premise is wrong, Stan Duplicitous: "atheists" have committed autrocities as great as or greater than any you can ascribe to the "religious". That's a fact!

Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ceaușescu, the Kims and Pol Pot were atheists, and Hitler was a-religious, Stan Duplicitous, and your continuous denial will not change those facts. BTW, Stan Duplicitous, have you read all of these books:

Bullock's Hitler: A Study in Tyranny
Toland's Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography
Fest's Hitler
Speer's Inside the Third Reich
Trotsky's Russian Revolution
Pomper's Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin: The Intelligentsia and Power

Have you troubled yourself to read any of Lenin and Trosky's polemics promoting atheism, Stan Duplicitous?

This was a belt buckle that was standard issue uniform for all Nazi soliders, and it says "Gott Mit Unus" which means God with us. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
That's "Gott Mit Uns", Stan Duplicitous.

We Got mittens, too!

In World War I, on all equipment issued to the troops of the Imperial German Army was inscribed the Motto “Gott Mit Uns !”, which translates literally as “God with US”

This Motto indicates even a little more passionate belief than “Wir Recht haben”, (literally “We have RIGHT!”)

No, WW I was so much more important than just a matter of “Right “ and “Wrong”. The fervor and fury of the German fighting man was expected to be at the level of, not only killing the enemy when necessary, but also the fervor and fury of the German fighting man was to reflect the fact that GOD not only approved the killing of Tommys, HE demanded that they be DESTROYED UTTERLY (and would award the worthy soldier who carried out the Divine will, with heaaven.)

The story I read was that in the trenches of WWI, the Germans would work themselves up before an offensive. They would stand together like a football huddle and roar,


Tommys of the British army, waiting in their trenches for the German onslaught, would often be heard to reply , “Yes,yes, we got mittens,too!”

BTW, Stan Duplicitous, Hitler also employed this motto:

Translated "Arbeit Macht Frei" means: "Work makes (you) free."
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
The fundamental error in your premise, Stan Duplicitous, is that you only recognize and ascribe evils to the "religious" when extant evidence reveals that the "a-religious" are equally capable of evil. Therefore, it's not "deflection" to point out to you that your whole premise is wrong, Stan Duplicitous: "atheists" have committed autrocities as great as or greater than any you can ascribe to the "religious". That's a fact. Lenin, Stalin, Mao, Ceaușescu, the Kims and Pol Pot were atheists, and Hitler was a-religious, Stan Duplicitous, and your continuous denial will not change those facts. BTW, Stan Duplicitous, have you read all of these books:

Bullock's Hitler: A Study in Tyranny
Toland's Adolf Hitler: The Definitive Biography
Fest's Hitler
Speer's Inside the Third Reich
Trotsky's Russian Revolution
Pomper's Lenin, Trotsky, and Stalin: The Intelligentsia and Power

Have you troubled yourself to read any of Lenin and Trosky's polemics promoting atheism, Stan Duplicitous?

That's "Gott Mit Uns", Stan Duplicitous.

We Got mittens, too!

In World War I, on all equipment issued to the troops of the Imperial German Army was inscribed the Motto “Gott Mit Uns !”, which translates literally as “God with US”

This Motto indicates even a little more passionate belief than “Wir Recht haben”, (literally “We have RIGHT!”)

No, WW I was so much more important than just a matter of “Right “ and “Wrong”. The fervor and fury of the German fighting man was expected to be at the level of, not only killing the enemy when necessary, but also the fervor and fury of the German fighting man was to reflect the fact that GOD not only approved the killing of Tommys, HE demanded that they be DESTROYED UTTERLY (and would award the worthy soldier who carried out the Divine will, with heaaven.)

The story I read was that in the trenches of WWI, the Germans would work themselves up before an offensive. They would stand together like a football huddle and roar,


Tommys of the British army, waiting in their trenches for the German onslaught, would often be heard to reply , “Yes,yes, we got mittens,too!”

BTW, Stan Duplicitous, Hitler also employed this motto:

Translated that means: "Work makes you free." Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Man you really are bat shit crazy aren't you? lmao.. You do realize that some Republicans just recently started recanting that very Hitler motto on the House floor? Do you not? Anyway, have fun with your bat shit crazy rants..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Man you really are bat shit crazy aren't you? lmao.. You do realize that some Republicans just recently started recanting that very Hitler's motto on the House floor? Do you not? Anyway, have fun with your bat shit crazy rants.. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
Is it true, Stan Duplicitous, that "ignorance is bliss"?
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
Is it true, Stan Duplicitous, that "ignorance is bliss"? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Right back at ya buddy..
I B Hankering's Avatar
Right back at ya buddy.. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
You're the one ignorantly and willfully dismissing the facts, Stan Duplicitous. BTW, have you or have you not read those books listed above, Stan Duplicitous? What about The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich by William L Shirer, Stan Duplicitous, did you read that one? It looks like you've short shrifted yourself on this topic, Stan Duplcitous. So, enjoy your "blissful ignorance", Stan Duplicitous.
And don't 800,000 Rwandans killed in 100 days and Bill Clinton feigned ignorance to the genocide; in fact, his DOS and UN advisers fought took and nail NOT to call what happened genocide !
I B Hankering's Avatar
And don't 800,000 Rwandans killed in 100 days and Bill Clinton feigned ignorance to the genocide; in fact, his DOS and UN advisers fought took and nail NOT to call what happened genocide ! Originally Posted by Whirlaway

It's all about who is going to control whom: "ethnicity" was the excuse in Rwanda.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
Holy HaySOOS Corpy! When you Corpy talk with other people Corpy on the street Corpy, do you Corpy use Corpy a Corpy fucked up Corpy nickcorpyname for Corpy them Corpy in evCorpyerCorpyy conversation?

You're a fucking lunatic.

Easily the dumbest motherCorpyfucker on ECCIE!

PS -- Corpy!
Randy4Candy's Avatar

Fascinating choice of characters you used to support your ignorant POV, Randy4Andy: two men (one most definitely and the other very probably) who were killed by Stalin for ideology and NOT for religion, you stupid and very ignorant putz. well, shit for brains (aka IBS/OAB) I was, though using an incorrect cast of characters, drawing a parallel to Mopboy and gritsboy engaging in a pissing match over "philosophy," or whatever. Of course, you would have to be able to read for comprehension so, well, we know the outcome for that. It's good for lewzers like you to win one every now and then (Stalin instead of Lenin - he had already died). However, it took you a couple of hours to find it on the internet.

Oh! BTW, Lenin and Trotsky were "authors" who wrote "books" and pamphlets Stalin didn't agree with, and Stalin wasn't a "right-winger" or a Fascist: he was more like you and Odumbo Can't stand prosperity, can you? Try quitting when you are ahead (unfamiliar territory, I know). You might want to review the biographies of Lenin and Trotsky before you attempt to back up this statement. BTW, Stalin is the classic example of a totalitarian - much like highly strict, literalistic, legalistic fundamentalists of ANY religioun. Originally Posted by I B Hankering
You're an idiot.
Randy4Candy's Avatar
Is it true, Stan Duplicitous, that "ignorance is bliss"? Originally Posted by I B Hankering
Not in his case since he isn't ignorant.

OTOH, you are highly ignorant but kept from being blissful due both to digestive AND intellectual IBS/OAB.
I B Hankering's Avatar
BTW, Stalin is the classic example of a totalitarian - Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Exactly, Randy4Andy -- and he didn't murder people in the name of "religion". Thanks for reiterating that point, because it's precisely that point that Stan Duplicitous -- steeped in his ignorant, self-righteous, atheistic bias -- continues to ignore.

You might want to review the biographies of Lenin and Trotsky before you attempt to back up this statement. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
You're the one that needs to go back to the books, Randy4Andy. Odumbo -- just like Stalin -- is all about creating an all powerful, highly centralized state apparatus for the "benefit" of the people, Randy4Andy.

much like highly strict, literalistic, legalistic fundamentalists of ANY religioun. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
Buddhists, Randy4Andy?

(Stalin instead of Lenin - he had already died). However, it took you a couple of hours to find it on the internet Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
No "wiki" was needed, Randy4Andy, and you obviously and ignorantly failed to comprehend how Stalin probably murdered both Trotsky ... and Lenin.

You're an idiot. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
No, Randy4Andy, that would be you.

Not in his case since he isn't ignorant.

OTOH, you are highly ignorant but kept from being blissful due both to digestive AND intellectual IBS/OAB. Originally Posted by Randy4Candy
With your posts above, you've already established how ignorant you are, Randy4Andy. Go back to your Vision Quests and remain blissfully addled, Randy4Andy.
Yssup Rider's Avatar
another fine reBUTTal from the resident poopydoopy.