Cam C... Just wasn't meant to be

And Dh coming from you two I take the fact that I'm not very good a belittling people as a compliment. I have more respect for people than to try to be an ass at every opportunity
dearhunter's Avatar
cowboy, the difference is supposed to be that unlike Wakeup, you care that you are taking a big shit in this threAD........if I am wrong, carry on "asshole".....ijs

Don't get me wrong and thinck that I have seen the light and want to help you. It is just that I know you have shot your wad and don't offer anymore entertainment value.
Wakeup's Avatar
Where did I ever say she didn't have the right to have as many kids as she wants? I DID question the sanity of having five kids, being a hooker, and being a single mother...but I can see how you think that's a healthy life choice to make...
tttalinky's Avatar
Originally Posted by tttalinky
I did fuck this thread up but it was pretty much resolved before I wayed in. Ijs Dh. Wakeup you are completely belligerent you will never take any responsibility for anything you said will you ??

What a prick
Wakeup's Avatar
I take responsibility for EVERYTHING I say...I don't hide from anything...don't confuse that with me not agreeing with what you want me to agree to...
You people really should stop acting so shocked by WU's comments... I think we've all established he's an asshole, let's move on shall we?

Btw- I still love you baby
Prove it all you have to do is apologize or come up with another way of saying the lady (not hooker as you earlier stated) shouldn't have four kids. Other than your condoms comment. I will let it rest my word.
After Dh you called in the wife. Wow
Wakeup's Avatar
You're the one who keeps saying that...not me...why would I agree with you?

And I can't make the wife do anything...if you think I can beckon her here, you're delusional...
I think it's time this thread gets closed.
Prove it all you have to do is apologize or come up with another way of saying the lady (not hooker as you earlier stated) shouldn't have four kids. Other than your condoms comment. I will let it rest my word. Originally Posted by cowboyking
But Cam C is a hooker no?

After Dh you called in the wife. Wow Originally Posted by cowboyking
Nah, we're on different continents and he's certainly not going to make an international phone call over some SHMB bullshit... Nice try though.
Just apologize one time you typed it not me. You'll probably feel better afterwards too.
Wakeup's Avatar
If you give me one thing I said that I believe I should apologize for, I'll apologize...I'm not apologizing for you, too big of a job.