The tea party republicans own this shut down. Vote the tea party out, all of them. Originally Posted by flghtr65In a sense that's true. Supposedly eighty (80) Republicans in the House Of Rep all signed letter to Speaker Boehner demanding a Government shutdown in lieu of defunding Obamacare. They got exactly what they wanted. On the flip side of that coin, Obama refuses to negotiate. Simply because any negotiation at this time may jeopardize Obamacare. Obamacare is his baby it's all he really has. To lose Obamacare would be equivalent to a kite losing it's tail string, this administration would fritter aimlessly about till it crashed. It's like the GOP has handed the Libs their ass on this deal. Now the ball is in their court. So what will they do now. Allow Obamacare to be defunded and open up Gov't or play a game of political chess.