Favorite Bar

I definitely have a few favorites here in NYC, but I prefer to save them for when I meet a gentleman friend in person. I know, I know...

They range from pretty high-end places (you know, the kind of places where they have "mixologists" rather than bartenders) to a few really fun dive bars downtown. Depends on the kind of mood we're in, I guess.

I've also had drinks at the George V bar. I really enjoyed the experience.
oden's Avatar
  • oden
  • 01-13-2010, 10:12 PM
When in Southern California stop by Muggs Away in July and Moon the Amtrack Train!
nycflyer's Avatar
Yes, Leeds (hometown team) are getting back into my good books again.
It has taken me a long time to forgive the management there for the atrocious way they handled certain players behaviour earlier this decade. Those players should have been locked up AND kicked off the team. Period! They lost alot of fans over that. They seem to be cleaning up their act now...and I do cheer for them again. Cautiously.

Anyway...back to the topic...
If anyone is in the UK I know some GREAT bars in the Lakes whether you support footie or not :-) Originally Posted by Camille

> Heard there was quite a bit---and I'm sure the spelling on this is wrong---argy bargy outside of Old Trafford after Man Utd took the night off against Leeds

> Speaking of which, the bar on top of the Hilton Hotel in Manchester is quite nice and very popular with the footballers

Yaaaaaay! World Cup.

Which team do you cheer for (both club and world cup)?

I'm a fan of Brazil and Arsenal. Originally Posted by NicholetteM
I am an American first, so club = Everton and Fulham.

June 12 = England v. U.S
Rustenberg, South Africa

Desperately trying to get there....
nycflyer's Avatar
It's all about the Pool for me (Liverpool). Originally Posted by Camille

Ah, a scouser.
> Heard there was quite a bit---and I'm sure the spelling on this is wrong---argy bargy outside of Old Trafford after Man Utd took the night off against Leeds

> Speaking of which, the bar on top of the Hilton Hotel in Manchester is quite nice and very popular with the footballers

I am an American first, so club = Everton and Fulham.

June 12 = England v. U.S
Rustenberg, South Africa

Desperately trying to get there.... Originally Posted by nycflyer
Now THAT would be a match worth watching.
If England lose, I'm hibernating for a longgggg time

Sisyphus's Avatar
Now THAT would be a match worth watching.
If England lose, I'm hibernating for a longgggg time

xx Originally Posted by Camille
I had an extra ticket for the last UK/USA tryst at Wembley in 2008 & couldn't give it away!!!

If lightening strikes twice, hopefully things will go a bit better...
discreetgent's Avatar
Now THAT would be a match worth watching.
If England lose, I'm hibernating for a longgggg time

xx Originally Posted by Camille
Although England will be favored, a US win is a plausible scenario.
Marcus Aurelius's Avatar
What's that pub/bar in Ireland that has no electric lights and has been there for over a hundred years?
Sisyphus's Avatar
Although England will be favored, a US win is a plausible scenario. Originally Posted by discreetgent
My heart's with you on that one, DG. But, England seems to have FINALLY figured out how to stop stepping on their own collective dick under Copello. They played VERY well in WCQ.

A much more plausible (still hopeful!) scenario is England & USA draw in the 1st game. Then each wins out against Algeria & Slovenia. Hopefully, USA finishes with a better +/- cause whomever finishes 2nd in the group most likely catches Germany in the first game of the knockout round.

That looks like a sure ticket home for either side.
Although England will be favored, a US win is a plausible scenario. Originally Posted by discreetgent
It's more than plausible DG that's my concern
The only obvious way England outshine the US is speed.
If the notch it up a gear we are T*O*A*S*T
My heart's with you on that one, DG. But, England seems to have FINALLY figured out how to stop stepping on their own collective dick under Copello. They played VERY well in WCQ.

. Originally Posted by Sisyphus

True Sys but the strength of the US team is they are much more strategy focused. As I said above, if they notch it up a bit we are in BIG trouble.

C x
annie@christophers's Avatar
George v is awsome!! The Library in NYC and the bar in the monteleone hotel in New Orleans.... jeez to many good ones lol !!
The Monteleone bar looks interesting
@wgh1973: Oh Nick's... I spent many a drunken night there during the college years lol. They have a drink called 1-800-fuk-uup and it does just what it says.

My faves: Mimi's in the Marigny, The Country Club and R Bar in New Orleans
Pete's Candy Store and The Gutter in "Billyburg," Brooklyn NY
Otto's Shrunken Head in E. Village NY, NY
Bar Bourbon St in Tokyo (Rappongi). HILARIOUS interpretation of a New Orleans Bar, but surprisingly fun.
atlcomedy's Avatar
The original "Ditka's" in Chicago