on sex appeal

3daygetaway's Avatar
Currently accepting applications for fan club. Rates begin at $160 for trial membership. Originally Posted by JennsLolli
and does one get their money back if they cancel before the end of the trail period?
This ain't Guns and Gardens, babe.
and does one get their money back if they cancel before the end of the trail period? Originally Posted by 3daygetaway
The question should be:
Would the refund go to your estate in the event that you don't survive the trial period!!!!! Because no live, red blooded man would want to cancel but he might not survive the experience!!!!!!!!

woodstretcher's Avatar
Listen up all of you would-be claspers.
The first rule of thumb to remember is that our (Males) buttons, snaps, fly flaps are all the right side of our clothing. The female's are all on the left. (Do not know the reason, but I'm sure someone here does) Anyway, if you are facing your lovely, using your left thumb and forefinger as a snapping motion will get the trick done pretty nicely. The left side of her bra (with snaps) overlaps the right side. Thus thumb on the snap, forefinger under. Good luck!
3daygetaway's Avatar
Listen up all of you would-be claspers.
The first rule of thumb to remember is that our (Males) buttons, snaps, fly flaps are all the right side of our clothing. The female's are all on the left. (Do not know the reason, but I'm sure someone here does) Originally Posted by woodstretcher
Buttons are very old. Thousands of years ago, pre-humans, called Buttonlapithicus, created a surprisingly complex society before disappearing into obscurity.

Archeologists and Anthropologists have recently discovered that Buttonlapithicus was an genderless society. There were no distinctions between male and female (except reproductive organs), which were concealed beneath their non-descript clothing. Buttonlapithicuses looked so alike that male and female were often confused and during mating rituals often found themselves in bed with their same-sex, which of course inhibited reproduction. As homo-sexuality increased, population decreased to the point that the Buttonlapithicus society neared extinction! So, the smartest of their group, what we would call Men, devised a system of button wearing that separated the sexes.

So, you see, it has to do with survival of the fittest and evolution.
Would the refund go to your estate in the event that you don't survive the trial period!!!!! Because no live, red blooded man would want to cancel but he might not survive the experience!!!!!!!! Originally Posted by Spacemtn
True story! I met my most recent ex at such an event. He was a first responder. I was the grieving mistress. Etc. Etc. At least I had a date to the wake so it wouldn't be easy to call out my involvement. (not a true story)

Listen up all of you would-be claspers.
The first rule of thumb to remember is that our (Males) buttons, snaps, fly flaps are all the right side of our clothing. The female's are all on the left. (Do not know the reason, but I'm sure someone here does) Originally Posted by woodstretcher
Women used to be dressed by other people more often than men. So...their stuff is on the right hand side if you're facing the lady and not the lady herself. The more you know!!
Beagle's Avatar
And if you want some practice, there are lots of bras in the departmental store. Go have at them!