Does the hobby vernacular ever sneak into your RL?

This place always makes me chuckle!

Originally Posted by DallasRain
I've been an In-N-Out fan for a LONG time (my waist line is proof of that).

My fellow Devil Dogs and I would purchase the stickers and remove the B and the R.

It made the sticker more interesting.
Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 12-02-2013, 10:48 AM
Whenever the Bureau of Labor Statistics publishes their weekly unemployment claims and monthly unemployment numbers, I chuckle...


Also ran across this in a search once...

Please let me know if you've graduated from there!
Adabear's Avatar
I dated a girl that graduated from Bob Jones University. Sadly, I found out she must not have completed her courses at BJ University.
BigAl69's Avatar
I do tend to use 69 in many some of my passwords (can't get it off my mind, right?!)
Hottassamelia's Avatar
I often wonder if you gentlemen check Angies List to see
" who is the best provider in town "

CrimsonValkyrie's Avatar
I have used spinner before but i had heard that outside the hobby. I heard dtf once on TV and almost fell out of my chair.
DallasRain's Avatar
angies list always make me giggle!

I even used it in one of my ads! You WILL find me on angies list!
e_l traveler's Avatar
I often wonder if you gentlemen check Angies List to see
" who is the best provider in town "

heeheeeee Originally Posted by Hottassamelia
Haha, never saw it that way till now
Keyzer Soze's Avatar
Dave Ramsey always promotes "local verified providers" on his radio advise and P4P all rolled into one.
SofaKingFun's Avatar
Only all of the time.

It usually comes from the most unexpected places, too...which always makes me chuckle.
Like this, for example...



Short on Hobby Funds's Avatar
I've got 2:
I had a potential employer during an interview say "Tell me about your hobbies." I gave a blank stare not knowing if I'd just found the best boss ever or blown the interview.

On the show Parks and Recreation there was an episode where the little Indian guy is bribing another government employee and says "I'll give you a footrub--to completion." That was killer.
mwsatx's Avatar
Everytime I see a sign for an ATM, I chuckle a little.

I've been seeing a lot of license plates lately that begin with CBJ.

There's a little cafe in Arlington called the Ho Ho Kitchen.

I'm a little older than most of you and vividly remember when gas stations were "full service."
Jed Clampett's Avatar
I always find it humorous when ever i'm at the rodeo and the announcer says that the next event will be the Bareback Bronc Riders!
this isn't very creative but anyone else see the Kum & Go gas station shops and think "damn may as well just call it BNG Stop"?