I'm in the same boat, Rover. I'm 45 mins out.
But the thing is, I'm not going to, for example, attempt to reserve a time slot, (say for 9:30am), the night before, and if I don't hear back from her, assume that we have an appointment, because we don't...
..and I'm *especially* not going to assume that there's an appointment, if I send her a pm/text-message the following morning, asking about that unanswered reservation request that I sent the night before...
...and I'm double-damned sure not going to assume that there's an appointment if *that* message goes unanswered.
...and you can bet the farm that I'm not going to assume there's an appointment if I don't receive that all important confirmation call/message. <sic>
But that's just me.
Others obviously disagree with this line of thinking and believe that the above is a "booked" appointment. This has been my contention all along; it's not, and as such, this cannot be a NCNS.
Hey! Let's play the WK card.
I love how that always comes out whenever someone's opinion happens to side with the providers. TFF!
Licker from the Lake of Clear, you were (allegedly) NCNS'ed 4 TIMES, by her?
Holy shit man!
"someone needs to educate her on hooker manners"
If you gave her 4 opportunities to NCNS you, then yeah, I guess "someone", does, because if you've got that kind of persistence, then, yeah...someone else is going to have to do the educating.. lol
San Antonio isn't any different than H-Town, Dallas, New York, or any other Hobby town; behavioral changes are typically brought about when ones income is affected. By you affording her the opportunity to (allegedly) NCNS you 4 times, and then not posting about it in a NCNS thread/non-review, you're just rewarding that sort of (alleged) behavior. Welcome to San Antonio. The field is the same...just different players.
...on the side--, I was *just* in your old stomping grounds last week. Fuqua St, Ellington Field, El Dorado,, etc..