Why no Terri Schiavo outrage from the right? Have you evolved on the issue? Or is it something else?

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  • 12-31-2013, 07:36 AM
Not the only thing you missed. Why was it you Bible thumpers sided with her family back then? It was a legal siding? Was it because you believed that the family trumps spousal rights? So if this black girl had been married and her husband wanted to pull the plug....you would be arguing for the parents to keep their brain dead child alive?

So let me get this straight, when only the parents want to keep a brain dead child alive....then you want to pull the plug. But if a spouse wants to pull the plug, then you want to keep her breathing?

What's that smell in this room? Didn't you notice it, Brick? Didn't you notice a powerful and obnoxious odor of mendacity in this room?... There ain't nothin' more powerful than the odor of mendacity... You can smell it. It smells like death. Originally Posted by WTF
What many of you that supported Terri's parents in their bid to keep their brain dead child on a feeding tube fail to mention is that you were crying for Federal intervention! This was before you Tea Nuts got organized and now oppose it at every turn when there is a Democrat in office!
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  • 12-31-2013, 03:44 PM
So let us recap.

First the Terri defenders say she wasn't brain dead

Then , it was a legal issue

When pointed out that they are flip flopping on the legal issue....they run and hide.

Are you sure race plays no part in your thinking?
Let's recap:

WTF has poor comprehension skills.
WTF has problems forming logical conclusions.
WTF's long term command of the facts are an issue.
WTF forms misrepresentive strawman arguments then knocks them down and congratulates himself for his "cleverness."
WTF doesn't agree with you, then you are member of the TEA party.
WTF is a self-admitted racist who likes to call other people a racist.
WTF is a moronic buffoon.

Jahi underwent a tonsillectomy at the hospital on Dec. 9 to treat sleep apnea. After she awoke from the operation, her family said, she started bleeding heavily from her mouth and went into cardiac arrest.
Doctors at Children's Hospital and an independent pediatric neurologist from Stanford University have concluded the girl is brain dead.
The hospital wants to remove her from life support, but the family said they believe she is still alive. Originally Posted by WTF
Well, the whole dopey premise of your thread - that the right-to-lifers don't care because she is black - just go shot to shit.

The right-to-lifers are now joining in. Starting with none other than Terri Schiavo's family:


How ironic is that?

The major problem with your thread was the time line. You didn't wait long enough to feign outrage.

She had the tonsillectomy on December 9 - that's three weeks before you posted. The story didn't get much publicity until December 20 when a judge refused to let the hospital turn off the ventilator. That was 10 days ago.

Nothing gets started - politically speaking - in only 10 days.

You were premature in your sarcasm.

You are no different than Whirlaway when he jumped all over the false stories about NJ Senator Melendez seeing underage hookers in the Dominica Republic.
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  • WTF
  • 01-01-2014, 09:06 PM
Well, the whole dopey premise of your thread - that the right-to-lifers don't care because she is black - just go shot to shit.

The right-to-lifers are now joining in. Starting with none other than Terri Schiavo's family:


How ironic is that?

The major problem with your thread was the time line. You didn't wait long enough to feign outrage.

. Originally Posted by ExNYer
Good for them. Unlike Whirly, I have no problem with facts.

Let us see if the movement makes its way to Congress. Let us see if it is a groundswell of Bible thumpers get on board.

I have already exposed the hypocrites that post on here who were Terri supporters back in the day. . . they want to pull the plug on the girl. Which I support btw.

I wonder how gnadfly thinks about this....can he try and blame this on Obama Death Panel? Or does he understand that we already have Death Panels in this country?
I can only assign this to the fact that you are a moronic buffoon.
Buy pinto beans, rice and ammo... nothing else matters
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  • 01-01-2014, 11:16 PM
I can only assign this to the fact that you are a moronic buffoon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
A least I'm not a hypocrite on this issue....
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  • 01-01-2014, 11:17 PM
I can only assign this to the fact that you are a moronic buffoon. Originally Posted by gnadfly
Well at least I'm not a hypocrite on this matter.
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  • 01-02-2014, 09:29 AM
Besides skin color....the biggest difference is that there is no money in this case to fight over.

Why won't any of you admit your hypocrisy on this matter? Scared I will call you racist? I've already said we are all racist to some degree....some of you more than others!
Stan.Dupp's Avatar
I was just reading this morning that the Terri Schiavo foundation is getting involved in this case, and is going to help the parents.
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  • 01-02-2014, 10:25 AM
I was just reading this morning that the Terri Schiavo foundation is getting involved in this case, and is going to help the parents. Originally Posted by Stan.Dupp
That is one foundation. Not exactly a national debate like in Schiavo's case. There is no political gain from this case for the GOP like Schiavo.

GOP voters have either evolved (let us pray) on this issue or it is something else.
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  • 01-02-2014, 10:25 AM
Besides skin color....the biggest difference is that there is no money in this case to fight over.

Why won't any of you admit your hypocrisy on this matter? Scared I will call you racist? I've already said we are all racist to some degree....some of you more than others! Originally Posted by WTF
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  • 01-04-2014, 10:43 AM
Mike Huckabee on Fox is doing a segment on this tonite.

He seems to think that we should listen to the kids parents and keep her on life support.

He has not yet said why we all should pay for this parents wish....

Whatever the parents wish...the state should do. He seems to be for universal healthcare for all with unlimited expense.

This is wtf Sara Palin would call a Death Panel decision. What do my right wing friends think?

Randy4Candy's Avatar
None of the excuses for letting the black girl die have anything to do with all of the reasons the white Congressmen used in trying to keep Sciavo alive.

It is what it is. These guys know in their hearts that one less black person (probably without insurance) is a good thing. They're just gutless and won't admit to being who it's obvious they are.

The South won't rise again because all of the proponents of that are cowards who think having a 30 round magazine is the ultimate in manliness.