HATE MAIL on my two year anniversary. ..:)

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Oh Slave
Happy Eccie Birthday beautiful!

And screw whatever fucktard called YOU a crusty old bitch? Seriously?

If you are what a "crusty old bitch" looks like, then Im going to stand in line with all my fellow ladies who wish we might look even HALF as sexy as you are when we are 44. Everytime I go to my plastic surgeons office the waiting room is FULL of woman in their 40's (shit and their 20's and 30's!) paying LOTS of cash- TO LOOK AND HAVE the body you ALREADY do! Keep up the good work at being Beautiful- you ma'am are in a league of your own, truly Beyond stunning!

(And P.S. as far as this thread being directed at whatever loser that cant have you and is stalking you now, FUCK THEM! But I really would'nt give anyone the pleasure of starting a thread, off an email. Im pretty sure we all get threatening emails or texts at some point (I know I do and have!) but dont give the bastards glory by acknowledging you ever read their bullshit, then they know for a fact the got what they wanted, which was to get your attention/possibly upset your day. DONT give them that glory babe! If we all made threads for every mean email- there'd be WAY too many more extra stupid threads.(..than there already is lol) Not that its ok, but if your doing your thing and dong it well in this business, you're going to get plenty more, I promise. It's not cool or okay, but it'll happen. As much as you'll want to read emails like that, I can personally guarantee it you learn to not feed into it and click "delete" you'll make your own time & peace of mind much more happier. Worked for me. Either way Good luck sexy)
Originally Posted by Candi Staxx
Sweet Candi…

Thank you for your lovely words…and your wonderful compliments… they are very much appreciated… as far as the rest goes… Let's just say that I NEVER do or say ANYTHING that has not been THOUGHT OUT in EXTRAORDINARY detail…

I have a VERY GOOD IDEA who sent those threatening emails and I while turning the other cheek works some of the time… There comes a point in life where you have to be willing to stand up and FIGHT…

Rarely, do I allow myself to be provoked into a confrontation… Mainly, because it is simply NOT WORTH IT… However, there is NO SUCH THING as a LITTLE BIT OF DISRESPECT. You can't always SMILE and TURN the other cheek… At some point you have to be willing to stand up for yourself…

So Candi… while I appreciate your advice… I have a very good idea of what I am doing, what the consequences might be and where this might take me… When someone threatens me they threaten not only my family but those people that I care and protect on a daily basis.

I will not allow this to go… if this makes you uncomfortable the I understand completely because you are a gentle and sweet soul… However, I am a fighter… and I NEVER give up…

Your determined slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Happy Birthday! First let me say, that this, is horse shit! Bitch, you're hot! That's all I have to say about that! As for the dude being at the social....wtf?! Why let that kind of asshole in? He is obviously loco! I say find him at the social and everybody get him! Originally Posted by Darcy Darling
Darcy Darling…

Does this mean we can wear our MATCHING PINK BOXING GLOVES??

Your scrappy slave,

Netx9's Avatar
  • Netx9
  • 01-06-2014, 04:00 PM
Oh Slave
Happy Eccie Birthday beautiful!

And screw whatever fucktard called YOU a crusty old bitch? Seriously?

If you are what a "crusty old bitch" looks like, then Im going to stand in line with all my fellow ladies who wish we might look even HALF as sexy as you are when we are 44.
Originally Posted by Candi Staxx
Nicely said, Candi! Does that make you a COBIT?

(Crusty Old Bitch In Training)
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Happy "eccie" birthday slave! You are the only one and probably ever to have a body and spirit half your age! Originally Posted by Bluemask
Sir Bluemask…

OMG!! What are you doing in San Antonio?!? Lol… You are sooo sweet!! I can't believe your other ladies allowed your sexy ass to leave H-town for even a few moments!!

Your flattered slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar

Holy Booty Bejesus Guinevere ,this is the HOTTest pick EVER..

YUM You look like a mermaid
Soooo sexy...


Happy Birthday sweet girl
Originally Posted by Hottassamelia

All I want for my BIRTHDAY... is for someone to put YOUR SEXY ASS & the BEAUTIFUL MSPRITTYKITTY UNDER MY TREE to PLAY WITH for as long as I desire…

Ok… Well, maybe, I also want Karla XO and VictoriaLyn to be there to SPANK MY TINY TUSHIE…

Hmmm… Note to self…


Your overheated slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
I may have called you many things, Guin, (typically BCD/in the throes/etc. and never behind your back), but I can safely say, without hesitation, that, "crusty", has never been one I've ever used in your regard.

No dear, you're indeed a treasured gem and anything *but* crusty.

Please be super-duper careful and watch your backside. If you need help in such an undertaking...well, you know how to reach me. But please, just be careful. This world is plum-full of idiots and it would break my heart should anything bad ever come from that gawdawful e-mail.




Originally Posted by SofaKingFun
Sir SFK…

It was with a smile that I woke up and read your post this morning… I always hate having a cold and having to deal with the additional drama was not something I was expecting… however, you know me… I won't back down from a fight…

But seriously, I am taking all precautions to protect myself… and I want you to know that I appreciate both your help and your support…

Your adoring slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Happy Anniversary, Love! I imagine that your take on the past 2 years is the same as the way we feel after seeing you: "Quite a ride!!"

You are the embodiment of a favorite quote from Steve Martin: "Be so good they can't ignore you." Originally Posted by PDid
Sir Pdid…

You are always so wonderful to me!! Thank you for being one of the reasons that my last 2 years on ECCIE has been so special!!

Your erotic slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
How the hell can you look like that and be 44? Originally Posted by joshharris86

I am NOT SURE why I get this question so often… Lol… I really don't…

Just how are we supposed to look at 44? However, I am flattered that you seem so surprised…

Thank you kind sir…

Your flattered slave,

Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Who is hating on you?

You are the first woman over 33 to ever have me consider seeing her!

I've hated on some old women but you are something else darlin...

Have you noticed that Chica Chaser wants to make me a Mod in SA? Don't forget to cast your Vote!

Or get to the top of the Chosen Few List with Freebies!... Can you make a good meatloaf? Originally Posted by Whispers
Sir Whispers…

I am not sure how to respond to this either… GOOD LORD!! What do ya'll think happens to women once we hit our 40's? Lol… See, this is the problem with being an INTROVERT… I don't go out enough!!

Now, to answer your question… Can I cook? Yes, I am a Southern girl… Can I cook meatloaf? Absolutely… Will I stand in line…


And you can PUNISH me LATER…

Your sassy slave,

Still Looking's Avatar
I don't hate you; I pity you. If you ever decide to be your own man instead of somebody's lapdog, I'll support you 100%.

Back to topic. What was the topic again? Birthday? Anniversary? Originally Posted by gooose
You like that word don't you. I may be a lot of things but I'm certainly NOT a lapdog. Unless your talking about SLAVE. That's a different story. Come on Gooose you can do better than that. Time to get with the program. Learn from SKF, the man has game.
Hollywood101's Avatar
Happy Anniversary Beautiful Slave!
Slave Guinevere's Avatar
Happy Anniversary Beautiful Slave! Originally Posted by Hollywood101
Thank you Beautiful one…

That means A LOT coming from one of SAN ANTONIO'S HOTTEST SPINNERS!!

Your devoted slave,



What can I say? I am a SUCKER for BLONDE HAIR!!
Hollywood101's Avatar
Thank you Beautiful one…

That means A LOT coming from one of SAN ANTONIO'S HOTTEST SPINNERS!!

Your devoted slave,



What can I say? I am a SUCKER for BLONDE HAIR!! Originally Posted by Slave Guinevere
Wow! Now that's a HIGH compliment coming from SA's SUPREME SPINNER!
sms918's Avatar
you know, I was thinking, maybe more pictures would help convince anyone on the fence. hahahaha great idea huh (anyone buying this?)

more pictures always good idea (all providers), just my opinion
gooose's Avatar
You like that word don't you. I may be a lot of things but I'm certainly NOT a lapdog. Unless your talking about SLAVE. That's a different story. Come on Gooose you can do better than that. Time to get with the program. Learn from SKF, the man has game.
Originally Posted by Still Looking
I don't like the word but its the best description of you. Of course I can do better and SFK does have game but against you I really don't have to.

To stay on topic: Hate mail for SG? She is one of the nicest, hottest, sensuous,......etc provider that I've met.