Yup "she" wants to apologize but haven't even botherd calling; as many of you who PMed me about this yes I will be posting now that this is a failed attempt to be the one who gets there first I have SS and I will email whatever it is that you require to see if this "woman" is serious in the apology or not.... If she was why not call me? Then again you can decide for yourself. I will be posting about this experience this weekend... I'm to shoo led at how much of an aggressive "driver" get when you tell him to blurr out you face on any and all website that he posts.... While claiming "even my site" I will also be posting on how they reprimand a man for 3 months for wanting bbfs yet are okay with the fact he might have given me HIV, have they offered to pay for my blood testing; I think not. Please stay in tune for my posting because like "Mrs M" claimed she wasn't there, and all she had to rely on wa a "driver" who did nothing but lie - yet can't pick up the phone to talk to me about any of this. Smoke Screen from GFX here wait until I post; because no offense I was there....
Originally Posted by katie.kartwright
I'm glad you finally responded. I was told you did not want to be contacted by GFX, so you were given my personal PH number. Why haven't you called? I also tried to send a pm, but your inbox was full. We spoke on the phone when you first expressed interests in becoming a GFX model. You explained you were having trouble with getting clients to show up. We both thought this would change, by joining GFX but it didn't. I understand the majority of your frustration was because you felt you were being sold false hopes and empty promises of grandiose earnings. I assure you these were not delusions of grandeur, but realistic estimates based on our previous models. I was also told you wanted the community to know about your fall-out with us. Moreover, threatening to expose us. I waited 3 days to allow you to post your story, while clients were asking, what happened to Katie? Why isn't she on your website? At this point, I just wanted to let everyone know we dropped the ball, and exactly what happened. I think I covered everything, if there is anything else you want the community to know about your atypical experience with us, by all means….
Furthermore, I am sincerely sorry about the driver, he is no longer with our company. I do feel responsible, because I delegated too much responsibility.
Please understand during the holidays is my family time, and it was either shut it down or attempt to help you. In hindsight, I should have shut it down. I have learned from this situation, and was only trying to help not harm.
My advice to you when applying with agencies and posting ads, is to use the most recent and accurate photos, avatars, and descriptions. Our attempt to weigh you was not to insult, but our way of trying to avoid an uncomfortable situation for you and our clients. Eccie/GFX clients are very discerning; if they feel they have been duped, then it could be misconstrued as false advertising.
Last but not least, I really like you Katie and wish you all the best! I know you have been through a lot this past year, and I hope we can put all of this behind us. GOOD LUCK!