I've made a comment, or two, on other threads about the word whore and its usage.
I just happened to be on the SWOP Chicago website and found something that might prove to be of interest to everyone reading about the word "whore", etc.
It's an article on how to be an ally to sex workers.
I liked post number 4, though:
Watch Your Language. Cracking jokes or using derogatory terms such as “hooker”, “whore”, “slut”, or “ho” is not acceptable. While some sex workers have “taken back” these words and use them among themselves, they are usually used to demean sex workers when spoken by outsiders.
This is just a simple statement that pretty much sums it up for me.
I'm completely fine with women, and men, using the term "whore" as a word of empowerment but I sincerely believe that works with just a small community of like-minded folks.
I don't like being referred to as a "whore". Period. Never did. But there are other words in that lexicon that I'm not fond of, either.
Guess that it's past time to comment on that other topic about the use of the word "courtesan"!