I've been told probably by as many providers/females and guys/guests alike that I either seem extremely friendly, helpful and all of that good stuff or that I have a little of a hard edge. *shrugs*. In person i've gotten "oh wow you're MUCH NICER than I thought you'd be" (guessing by maybe a few of my comments on who knows which board I'm on that they saw me on) and I'm normally like O_O whaaaatttt (lol). I'm totally nice I swear! . *Gimme kiss* lol
First off,
Hope everyone's having a good start to it at least.....
OK now.
Also referred to as sass, twist, point of view, standpoint, demeanor, opinion, and stance.
I have often read reviews and comments wherein a gentleman will mention that a particular provider has an "attitude" about her.
Sometimes, he says it in a positive way,
ie. she's got that "come fuck me attitude and that's hott!"
And sometimes, not so positive, or even in a completely negative way.......
" She's really hot, but with her attitude I'd rather date my hand"
A lot of the time though these "attitudes" are perceived by what is written on these boards.
People do judge by the written (posted) word and usually can and do interject their own feelings at the time into what they're reading.
If you had a pissy day, you're more likely to perceive posts as being negative even if they weren't meant to be.
So that being said.
Have you ever met with someone simply because you like their attitude? Their posting style or perhaps something they've written in a blog or on their website that really impressed you and made that part of your brain say "I have to meet this person!
Have you ever met with, read up on or corresponded with someone whom despite their outward appeal had an attitude that just rubs you the wrong way?
And finally,
Can a providers attitude truly be gleaned by her online posts? Or do you reserve any judgement until you're in RL with that person? Originally Posted by sexymaid_69