Best Provider with Attitude & Personality

My vote goes to both Reese and Fawn, both awesome to hang out with and talk to.
berkleigh's Avatar
My list continued

1. Dannie - You are wild woman, I like you
2. Jade Nicole
3.Reese Foster - Beautiful open personality
4. Sxyjade101
5.Berkleigh Originally Posted by lisa.lisa0302
Guess everyone thinks I am a bitch now lol
sorry I'm so late to this thread - I've been sorta kinda UTR ish.
Thanks to everyone who mentioned me, you put a huge smile on my face!!

I lovelovelove
lisa.lisa - ebony & ivory ectasy
THE Dannie
Infamous bj
Jules jaguar (never met her but love her already)
Jade Nicole!! (never met her either but I've only heard great things!)

I'm sure I'm forgetting some amazing ladies, so I apologize in advance, no hard feelings!!

Oh I forgot my girl Syeria Pink, the hottest coolest chick. And yes Sexy Holly in Dallas, muah, love yall
Guest062512's Avatar
Some that may not have been considered (or maybe they were, IDK), but some of the coolest chicks I've seen.

AlexandraDBI (currently on haitus )
VeronicaAtl (recently visited)
Isabella Mercy

Sorry if I forgot anyone (forgetting is what I do, lately).
CheerZiggy's Avatar
I agree totally!
There are some very kewl Providers chicks in the metroplex. My favs: (in no specific order and not necessarily ladies I've seen BCD)

1) Fawn
2) Kelly
3) Isabella Mercy
4) Holly
5) Vixen Devain
6) Traci Brooks
7) Reese Foster
This is an interesting thread. Providers with attitude? Nah, ladies with personality? VNurse (you hippie), Berkleigh, LisaLisa, Fawn, KellyTNT, Loving Kayla definitely has a personality! Sure there are tons of cookie-cutter providers out there but DFW also an abundance of Never-Duplicated and One-Of-A-Kind ladies who are just awsome, please don't be offended if I didn't list you here. Thank you folks for naming me as being at least more interesting than watching clothes spin at the laundrymat.

Edit: How could I have left off Veronica Moore? Yeesh, that girl has enough personality for herself and still has personality left over for most of the bow heads at UT.
Boltfan's Avatar
Jade Nicole and Jamie Young in the same room. Cool ladies to be sure and my LORD... Boobies for days.
Aw, thanks for the mention you sweethearts! I like being singled out THIS way! LOL!
thegj's Avatar
  • thegj
  • 09-06-2010, 11:32 PM
Not in DFW too often but both Analisa and vnurse have just the right mix of smart ass and sweetness for me- just wish I knew more of you.
Guess everyone thinks I am a bitch now lol Originally Posted by berkleigh
I love ya berkleigh
SweetAterPie's Avatar
Thee Dannie is as gracious, as one will ever know.
demsrsb's Avatar
Kelly TNT
Hailey Sinclair
these ladies will treat you incredibly well and make you laugh.

Lana Warren- will find out about her soon.
  • Holly
  • 09-07-2010, 09:13 AM
Aww thanks for putting my name in the hat.....LOVE LOVE LOVE my friends on here and a HUGE thanks to all the providers and guys who keep this FUN!!!!!!