did you give him a hug also???SweetNlittle and I gave him a little more than that!just askin Originally Posted by offshoredrilling

Thanks for the compliments guys.I got you, Sweet-N-Little, and a nice Kimber .45, all in the same 2 hour period. I have to believe that I was the luckiest guy in Central Arkansas this weekend! And damn sure wearing the biggest smile! WooooHoooo!
The Kimber has been sold!
Thanks, PrettiNiceGuy!!Originally Posted by Ginger Doll
I got you, Sweet-N-Little, and a nice Kimber .45, all in the same 2 hour period. I have to believe that I was the luckiest guy in Central Arkansas this weekend! And damn sure wearing the biggest smile! WooooHoooo! Originally Posted by prettiniceguyWhen I grow up, I want to be like you PNG. What a deal man