You make a lot of claims without citation but this little gem has been completely discredited.
Here,, maybe this will help. This "study" was fatally flawed by the two doctors who did. Biggest flaw is that they NEVER looked at the likelihood of self defense but only the actions resulting in death. They overlooked suicides that are much more likely than murders or accidental deaths.
They survey was of only one county in one state (Washington).
Originally Posted by JD Barleycorn
This was indeed a flawed study but even the articles cited to downplay the results of the study make statements such as this:
"Based on the evidence currently available, it appears that gun ownership is associated with a net increase in the risk of death for a typical individual."
Try reading this article published in 2004 if you care to not believe the Kellerman study:
An extract from the article:
"Those persons with guns in the home were at greater risk than those without guns in
the home of dying from a homicide in the home."
Or this one:
An extract from the article, which was published in September 2013"
"A new study of gun violence published by the American Journal of Public Health found that states with greater levels of gun ownership tend to have higher rates of gun-related murder."
Or this one:
An extract from the article which was published in December 2012.
"Having a gun in your home significantly increases your risk of death — and that of your spouse and children.
And it doesn’t matter how the guns are stored or what type or how many guns you own.
If you have a gun, everybody in your home is more likely than your non-gun-owning neighbors and their families to die in a gun-related accident, suicide or homicide."
And in the article I already cited:
Look, I am not trying to convince you or any others who think like you do that you should get rid of all the arms you have in your home. That is a personal choice which I support. But it would be nice if people who do own a gun for protection of their home understand that it is more likely that the gun will be used against the homeowner or his/her family than it will be in protecting the homeowner. However, if you have any articles at all to cite that support your point of view I would love to see them