I am not happy with TER

My first three years of hobbying I basically saw some by-referral ladies and had never heard of online review sites.

I think that, overall, TER is a good resource. In fact, since moving from referral ladies to those I book myself, every woman I have seen has been ter-listed; and was initially contacted via ter.

I do not like their review system; and there are other things I don't like. I wasn't using it back when the ... uh ... rumored ... activities were taking place. But overall I would say it has been a valuable resource as it has put me in touch with some really fabulous women.

I don't usually read reviews. I've written a few, but seldom read them. They don't really figure into my selection process because I like providers to have a blank slate with me.

So the review portion of the site isn't that useful to me. What IS useful to me is the general info page about a provider that lets me see a lot of important things at a glance -- like her website, rates, etc.

One thing that should be kept in context is what the ter ratings for performance mean. 8 is a hot time, 9 is so good you forgot it was a service, 10 is once in a lifetime. On that scale, 8 is NOT a bad score.

I mean, seriously, how often does a guy walk into a session that was so incredible he forgot that he actually paid for it?

Still, I hate that they tie scores to specific sex acts or even automatically giving bisexual providers an edge over heterosexual providers. That's B.S., even though most of the providers I see happen to be bisexual.
Providers are what drive review and ad sites. Making up pay for VIP access and ridiculous rules are retarded to me. Originally Posted by anova444
I pay for VIP and will continue to pay for as long as I am in this business. For me it is a great screening tool. I am able to see what type of women the man is accustomed to seeing and what he is like BCD. Any sign of aggression in the review and I will decline a date.
atlcomedy's Avatar
Same at my company with regard to raises. Originally Posted by pyramider

One thing that should be kept in context is what the ter ratings for performance mean. 8 is a hot time, 9 is so good you forgot it was a service, 10 is once in a lifetime. On that scale, 8 is NOT a bad score.

I mean, seriously, how often does a guy walk into a session that was so incredible he forgot that he actually paid for it?

Still, I hate that they tie scores to specific sex acts or even automatically giving bisexual providers an edge over heterosexual providers. That's B.S., even though most of the providers I see happen to be bisexual. Originally Posted by Laurentius
I'm lmao off at these ratings. I'll ignore the whole thing about actual acts but there is more rating inflation than there is grade inflation in our universities.

Remember what a "C" is supposed to mean? Average. Half of the class (of ostensibly bright students that were admitted) performed better; half worse. What serious student gets a "C" these days?

Likewise a "10" - once in a lifetime:mfr _lol: By definition doesn't that mean it is a designation a reviewer should only be able to give once? Does it make a reviewer that gives nine such ratings a cat?
I dropped using TER long ago. I became disgusted because they often changed ratings one way or another and on at least two occasions they posted a review of mine and then removed it because it went against ( one time better and one tine worse) the previous reviews. They also refuse to post no show reviews. By doing this they build in a bias (by accepting only reviews that are consistent with the prior reviews).

On one occasion they rejected a review of mine saying that it needed to outdo the previous provider reviews by introducing something new ( basically lie).

More than a few providers that I know had all their reviews ( including mine) pulled because, in their words, "they refused to be extorted ( provide free and "unsafe" services to TER staff). I always wondered whether this was the true reason that all their reviews were dropped?
You have to get fucked in the ass to get a 10 out of TER...B.S. Originally Posted by anova444
Paying TER's membership fee IS getting fucked in the ass.
Wow, well, I stand corrected. Makes the site much less useful for me. I do use it when traveling as it has good national coverage. But, if they change client ratings, then screw them. Originally Posted by Spaulding Smails
Yes, they do this. I've had it happen a couple of times...a 10 switched to a 9 (and no, I don't offer greek lol). For me it's not that big of a deal in that situation..but I'd be pretty pissed if a 10 went to a 7 as the OP said. I only knew though because the gents told me after it posted and they saw it. Also it seems that you have to be explicit about the "extras"...to get that 10. It's pretty raw stuff.

Aparently, Per TER guidelines, the max score is 7 unless the provider offers some or all of the following: DFK, BBBJ, Greek, really bisexual.

I offer everything but Greek. TER can bite my butt! Originally Posted by anova444
and CIM.
I hear you..that sucks!

C xxx
burkalini's Avatar
I have alot of reviews on Ter. They suck. Most of the reviews are denied for one reason or another. It seems they want you to make shit up to qualify. Its getting to the point that I want to stop using them for good. ECCIE is a good board and fair
Cpalmson's Avatar
A couple of month's ago, some providers on TER's discussion board were pissed b/c they were not getting their usual 9 in performance. They were flaming clients for giving them an 8. As mentioned, a 7 seems to be the base score if you enjoyed yourself. To provide a higher score in performance, the session needs to include more GFE type activities. Besides, there is nothing wrong with an 8 or 9. Some girls demand a 10 and that might be part of the reason TER changes ratings. The way I see it, a 10 has to "fuck of the century" material. An 8 or 9 should suffice. I consider myself to be an objective but fair reviewer. I'll probably give a lower rating than most hobbyists, but I do feel my reviews are normally positive if not very positive. BTW, TER does take reviews on no shows.
... they've taken to re-scoring reviews on a regular basis. TER is an international site and has been around a long time.
The big problem with TER is that they have a very non-user friendly attitude, they track IP and MAC ID's, can and will ban you for next to nothing REGULARLY, and if you happen to say something a little off color about a member that just might be in the in-crowd......you're a goner. It's gotten so awful in the last few years that the preponderance of comments about TER are exactly as they are in this thread.
I think Eccie just may be poised to be one of the premier erotic destinations on the internet in the not too distant future. Originally Posted by tra4fun

I've had a number of reviews re-rated with no explanation. And it wasn't that I rated anyone a 10. I've rated ladies 8-9 and had them bump it down to 6-7. And unless you're a VIP you have no way (that I found) to contact the mods to ask why.

I've been on TER for a few years and things are definitely getting worse over there. The new board format is barely better than the old one. And the fact that every post on their discussion board has to be approved just shows the kind of paranoia they have with regard to people expressing their frustrations.

The other recent and frightening thing happening over there is the capricious banning of both hobbyists and providers, sometimes entire agencies. This is a real problem for hobbyists who have built a significant library of reviews that are deleted - so now providers can't use it as a screening tool, as well as providers who likewise have reviews deleted and lose business because guys who rely on TER can't find them.

This last happened to one of my ATFs... from one day to the next she was a provider who consistently scored 8's and 9's and then one day, with no reason given by TER, was gone entirely. It was a big blow to new business for her. I've known her well enough to know she didn't need to fake any reviews, and to this day she still has no clue why she was banned.

Anyone interested in starting a "F*CK TER" campaign? I could design a logo that all providers could put on their websites! LOL
IronMan's Avatar
I am all for posting constructive criticism of a site.
But when a site is supporting the HOBBY we should not be bashing it or defaming it!
We all are in this together and need to support each other!
And protect the sites that help us to protect ourselves!
liquorgood's Avatar
The powers at be on TER are in a hugh vaccum as far as I feel.

Escorts.com -- is my number one for selection
ECCI -- is a very close second
P411 -- is nice to compare information about Escorts
Date Check -- I still have not been able to inderstand that site lol
Backpage -- well just for laughs and to see that latest sting, rip-off and wanbees
SmallPuppy or rather BigDog -- hmm, never mind
Google Search with unfiltered results -- ie: email address, phone numbers and Escort's name can show you a vast amount of information
Is saying that I'm not happy with TER and that TER can bite my butt, bashing? I think they should be open to feedback and change. That's the best way to better yourself. I don't think that a provider should have to pay for VIP access. WE are the reason all sites are alive. I also don't believe that we should have to get fucked in the ass to warrant a 10. If a gent feels he had a 10 session, it should be graded that way. Especially when the session was a kink session where he got fucked in the ass and pissed on.
I loathe TER. As of now, they've allowed two fake reviews to be posted of me. After fighting with them the last two days, they finally took the latest one down because I had proof.
TinMan's Avatar
If a gent feels he had a 10 session, it should be graded that way. Especially when the session was a kink session where he got fucked in the ass and pissed on. Originally Posted by anova444
I just realized what a boring lay I must be.