Girl Friends For Hire

Miss Valentina's Avatar
Interesting read. I personally have a very devoted and generous clientele with whom I'm on more than client/pro level. We go out, on vacation, I've been to their children's weddings, etc. Typically they are ending or with their second marriage and have been burned and are exhausted at the prospect of going through the rigamarole of dating again. I've been told that I'm a breeze and much less costly than the women who sell themselves for a much higher demand: a huge ring and eternal faithfulness, servitude and devotion (which also usually includes a big house, car and only ends in huge alimony payments)

Additionally sometimes as a gentleman ages, he will have performance issues. Though the drive is there the ability isn't always as reliable and they don't wish to go through the humiliation of pursuing a civie who may not only be looking for a ring, but not as understanding as pros can be in this regard. Plus I've been told of civie relationships and extra marital affairs where there have been STD's and pregnancies, outing to wives and all sorts of horror stories. We are not compensed for so much for our outstanding abilities, I cannot for example, play Chopsticks on the piano with my pussy, but rather our understanding of discretion, knowing our place, and staying out of a client's business.

With me they know I'm there to take care of them, to dote and pay attention, to listen, and if I'm honest to serve a bit. Which when pursuing women, men often feel it's the other way around. Yes, I am nicely supported, but it's amazing how good for the psyche for both pro and client genuine respect and caring can be.

I suppose by nature, I'm more cut out to be a mistress than an escort, but it seems to work.
ICU 812's Avatar
I just can't see dating a woman for money and not calling it some variation of the hobby.

I CAN see a scenario where a guy needs someone on his arm for a business related social function; the narrowest interpretation of the term "escort". Whether there is any BCD action later can an additional option. Heck, I can see how a guy might show up at an obligatory wedding reception with an escort to avoid being thrown at some needy bridesmaid!

I understand Miss Valentina.

But a "dating relationship" for money? Dude; you are delusional.
JohnnyYanks's Avatar
... I cannot, for example, play Chopsticks on the piano with my pussy ... Originally Posted by Miss Valentina
How about Der Flohwalzer?
exoticdanceweardealer's Avatar
There's nothing wrong with being a "hooker", I would argue that women are naturally inclined to seek provision from men as a biological survival imperative.

There are different kinds of... sugar babies in this world and I actually praise all of you for it because you make life measurable if that makes sense (i.e. a man knows what he has to do to attain such glory). My philosophy is that you just rent the ones with the gold standard (highest monetary expectations) short term, they are too expensive to keep up with and even if you could keep up with them you would have to give me a compelling reason to do so when there are plenty of comparably attractive sugar babies who would be happy to service every need equally if you merely paid the rent.

Would I understand renting the love for a night or two from an "elite"? Sure... if she really drove me nuts and seemed unique in some way but it doesn't make sense otherwise to me at least. I don't understand spending a fortune on a woman who really isn't by default any better than the next and just has an oversized ego lol.
I'm with Yanks. My kingdom for Moonlight Sonata played in that most original way......

seriously Valentina.....great post.
I just can't see dating a woman for money and not calling it some variation of the hobby.

I CAN see a scenario where a guy needs someone on his arm for a business related social function; the narrowest interpretation of the term "escort". Whether there is any BCD action later can an additional option. Heck, I can see how a guy might show up at an obligatory wedding reception with an escort to avoid being thrown at some needy bridesmaid!

I understand Miss Valentina.

But a "dating relationship" for money? Dude; you are delusional. Originally Posted by ICU 812
I would agree, but you'd be surprised that others do not. I was kept. In my mind there's not that much difference besides geography, safety and technical legality. I was still compensated well for being sexually available.

But when I post here, I sometimes meet with animosity and comments that I don't belong or have a right to be here. So there are many different views

Ms Valentina, I love your comments and agree 100%.

I haven't posted in a while. For married men, there are additional advantages some of which have been mentioned. First, married men don't have their choice of women. Finding a mistress can be impossible for most. Escorts fit the bill. Second, and I know this from personal experience, escorts can be much more considerate of performance problems that come from age. Wives just turn it off and non escorts leave unsatisfied. Escorts can maintain a relationship at a higher level. Most of the ladies I have met here, accepted me for who I was, worked hard to please me, and were satisfied not by the hardness of my organ but by the size of the tip or what I could do for them. It was a WIN WIN relationship.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
I would never voluntarily be a free friends with benefits under any circumstances. I consider that being made a fool out of lol. So I think the hobby is very respectful to the guy and the girl.

I love this hobby because it is such a Win Win for everybody.

XoXo Mya Michelle Originally Posted by VIP Mya Michelle
I haven't posted in a while. For married men, there are additional advantages some of which have been mentioned. First, married men don't have their choice of women. Finding a mistress can be impossible for most. Escorts fit the bill. Second, and I know this from personal experience, escorts can be much more considerate of performance problems that come from age. Wives just turn it off and non escorts leave unsatisfied. Escorts can maintain a relationship at a higher level. Most of the ladies I have met here, accepted me for who I was, worked hard to please me, and were satisfied not by the hardness of my organ but by the size of the tip or what I could do for them. It was a WIN WIN relationship. Originally Posted by heinz5710

You Just touched my heart, 100% right Heinz!

I am "girlfriend" (though even that's a strong term) to a handful of my long term clients. And some of them are married. What I've noticed among this group is that they don't have the 'but you're a hooker' mentality. They know that they can't/wouldn't leave their wallet at home for any quality woman in their life, so why would I be an exception?

But to answer your question about who qualifies: in short, it would be a woman who's sure of her REAL self. And that's rare in this industry. Originally Posted by Tiffani Jameson
Well said, I love the way you put this I agree 100%!

An escorts position is only morally judged as less than a doctors, lawyers, brokers time. Some of those professions make vastly more by far than any escort with much higher hourly rates, and they don't have to give you any relief at all, in fact they may cause more stress lol.

Entertainers, which is what I kind of consider sexual encounters, adult entertainment, right; so people pay large amounts to just get some relief/relaxation. Escorts, sugar babies, strippers, webcam girls, we are all a type of vacation for any given amount of time, something we can call on that will relieve our tensions and rejuvenate our senses.
Less hassle and there are no headaches with us- Just fun and then go away

A dear and wonderful client sent me an article from the Observer about a recent, maybe not so recent, phenomenon in NYC and other major metropolitan cities.


Young, handsome, well to do men between the ages of 30 to 50 (who have their pick of beautiful, intelligent, and charming women) choose to date escorts. Why would men choose this option over the more traditional dating experience?

What do you think?
1) Is it more fun and less stressful to date an escort?
2) What kind of escort do you think qualifies as a rent-a-girl friend?
3) Do you think that all of the feelings of intimacy, connection, and affection be found with a companion?
4) Would you take your companion to dinner, drinks, a sporting event, dancing, on your vacation? Originally Posted by Exec_Enchant
A dear and wonderful client sent me an article from the Observer about a recent, maybe not so recent, phenomenon in NYC and other major metropolitan cities.


Young, handsome, well to do men between the ages of 30 to 50 (who have their pick of beautiful, intelligent, and charming women) choose to date escorts. Why would men choose this option over the more traditional dating experience?

What do you think?
1) Is it more fun and less stressful to date an escort?
2) What kind of escort do you think qualifies as a rent-a-girl friend?
3) Do you think that all of the feelings of intimacy, connection, and affection be found with a companion?
4) Would you take your companion to dinner, drinks, a sporting event, dancing, on your vacation? Originally Posted by Exec_Enchant
1. More fun, the excitement of visiting her at a nice hotel, something about that.
Stress, probably about the same for a 1st meet on clicking together.

2. A gal that can communicate well either by text, email, phone. Basically has TCB skills together.

3. I think so, but on a limited basis and the reasoning is you aren't around her every day, if you are it would extend beyond limited. But during the time you spend with her, it can be achieved without a doubt.

4. Absolutely, if I got to know her and we clicked really well. Some gals don't give the impression you can do those things by the way they communicate. I wish some gals would initiate it or state it. How about some drinks and we can head back to her place or mine. Going that extra mile would warrant a repeat date if you two clicked.

I have met some wonderful ladies and the term "escort" gives a bad rep. Like any profession there are good and bad regardless.
All have made some good points. With several ladies I saw, I was happy to provide material things not rewarded with sack time. I treated these ladies well because they treated me well. However, in the end, I knew that they were escorts. Those ladies went their way and I went mine.
want2c's Avatar
Charlie Sheen summed it up the best. "I don't pay women to sleep with me, I pay them to leave afterwards". This give me all the fun and none of the drama.
Men are not difficult to conquer. How many of us have gone to the alter thinking availability of a female will no longer be a problem. Then we find out that she just doesn't do it unless she wants a child and oral sex is something only hookers do. After the family is made, all the sex dries up! Soon the ladies who offer it for money have you where they want you. You don't feel conquered. You feel GOOD! How sweet it is to be loved by you. If you think you aren't conquered, try offering yourself for money as a male. There won't be many takers.
Just a newbie posting here but....

Personally, I feel like the the men in the article have their mind in the most rational place possible. It's true that when I date as a civilian the financial outlay before reaching 'the promised land' is much higher than a hobbyist's date.

When I have ventured out in public with a client...(disclaimer only have meet with a handful so far)....our meal together is so much more enjoyable than many of my first dates. I feel it's because the gentleman knows that he does not have to be anyone but himself and that leads to a better conversation and connection. Once it took us thirty minutes to finally order our entrees since we kept getting distracted from the menu.