Ladies, Who Provides The Condom?

I supply...all makes, models, lol. Latex free, Magnums, tiny tallywhacker finger condoms lol. Also colored, glow in the dark, lubed, ribbed... Also supply top FC. No cheap pos ones or freebies from the clinic.

Chicks need to realize that to make a business work, succeed and grow... you have to invest! Instead of running out to supply a bad habit.. invest in SAFE and comfortable covers, pay ur damn bills and build a nest egg.. that way if u dont have to make a rash decision on whether to have utilities turned off or get u can buy DECENT covers or pay bills and do BB.
I always have them on hand, I do have a couple of regulars who prefer a certain brand and supply their own but I honestly prefer to use mine.
I also carry a full spectrum of types, large, small, femi doms, whatever I might need.

It is just good business sense to have all the necessary tools on hand.
VIP Mya Michelle's Avatar
i believe since THEY are paying for a service...WE should supply. You dont go to mcdonalds and have to bring your own ketchup.. or to a salon and have to bring ur own scissors.... Originally Posted by Devon Derriere

I have to bring my own hair and Virgin Brazilian Hair ain't cheap!! :P

But I honestly see your point. Thanks for responding! Originally Posted by MaryBeth

XoXo Mya Michelle
gimme_that's Avatar
I usuall bring my own.

But for ladies who don't thiink they should supply them or are in doubt . Better to have them on hand than to be percieved as the type of proovider who doesn't use them at all......... that's one of the first things I would tthink if I arrived and a lady asked me to bring or go buy some.
RedLeg505's Avatar
I usuall bring my own. Originally Posted by gimme_that
I always bring some of my own, to be prepared. But I expect the lady to have them on hand and available. Mine are for the rare occasions when

a) she forgot THAT bag with the condoms (I've seen this provider many times so I absolutely believe she just forgot to pack that bag as she was getting ready)
b) The ones the lady has are types I've tried and didn't like. Then I will be happy to break out my own that I know work for me.
BBW Katrina's Avatar
I ALWAYS bring my own......In the past (waaaay in the past when I was a newbie) I would let the provider take care of having condoms.....They were always the crummy store brands...did'nt fit well etc....

Now i'm always prepared with my favorite condoms (Crown skinless skin!) Lube....vibrators etc....and things just seem to go a lot more smoothly Originally Posted by Lucky 1
They make store brand condoms? Like Equate, Great Value and Market Pantry...
I always bring them because don't want to be in a situation where no one has one.
I don't leave home without them actually!
LNK's Avatar
  • LNK
  • 02-22-2014, 09:30 PM
They make store brand condoms? Like Equate, Great Value and Market Pantry... Originally Posted by BBW Katrina
Store brand = Trojan = heavy duty floor-scrubbing glove.

Might as well wrap it up in a plaster cast, as far as I'm concerned, because I'll get just as much stimulation wearing a Trojan.

Besides, the only times I've had a condom fail is with Trojans. Individually tested, my ass.

I bring my own.
  • jwood
  • 02-22-2014, 09:34 PM
Think I'll start bringing my on with a new lady. Had the one condom trick pulled on me the other day. Bummer
I provide the rubber duckies
and i've got just your size (i have a variety)
What's your size? I've got ya covered!

The only way i'd trust a gent with his own is
if he had a brand new box never having been opened before.
VIPRaniLane's Avatar
This is our job. Being a responsible professional means you come to work with all of the necessary tools to do your job properly & safely. This means, ladies should have a variety of quality condoms. Different shapes, sizes, textures & materials. If a gent knows he needs a certain type of condom (latex rubber allergy, for example) he needs to mention that discreetly after he's been screened.

I know that guys can be really attached to their brand, but please know that our lady parts have to be comfortable or bad things can happen. Rashes, irritation, etc. I think it's best to let the ladies make the decision, but if you must have a certain type, bring them in an unopened box with the receipt. Some guys are freaks (poking holes in condoms), and I would NEVER use one unless I felt sure that it was safe.
I always have different sized condoms on hand, but usually the client provides his own. Early on in my career, I never supplied the condoms...and ended up not seeing a gent because he didn't have condoms either. Since then, I carry them at all times.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
I provide the rubber duckies
and i've got just your size (i have a variety)
What's your size? I've got ya covered!

The only way i'd trust a gent with his own is
if he had a brand new box never having been opened before. Originally Posted by Seeking ~P
You do know they can seal the boxes back pretty easily.
Danielle Reid's Avatar
Think I'll start bringing my on with a new lady. Had the one condom trick pulled on me the other day. Bummer Originally Posted by jwood
Wait, what?
RedLeg505's Avatar
Wait, what? Originally Posted by MaryBeth
Actually that trick has been discussed by the guys many times. It is not that unusual for the lady to break out the condom, have the session, then suggest that MSOG is available but.. darn, she doesn't have anymore condoms, sorry.

Never had it happen to me, but I have heard it discussed before so its not unknown to happen with some providers.